
After the disappointment of the Regionals, the orders arrive for the different issues and to defend themselves against internal attacks
After the disappointment of the Regionals, Matteo Salvini prepares to change the face of the League. A political secretariat to support the employer. This is the organizational novelty – according to what AGI learns – confirmed by the leader during the meeting with the regional coordinators, in the afternoon in Rome. In addition to the departments divided by themes, the Prime Minister of the Lega Salvini will equip himself with a new collegiate body that will support the secretary in defining the political direction of the party.
The reorganization of the party began at the beginning of the year, after the federal congress that initiated the gradual transfer of all party organs from the Northern League to the Salvini Premier League. After the defeat in the regional elections of Emilia-Romagna, the secretary of the Northern League accelerated the process, initiating the appointment of the heads of the thematic departments, which ended in the spring. Now, the confirmation of the constitution of a political secretariat that will support him in defining the party line. Movement from its origins built around the figure of the leader – before Salvini, with Umberto Bossi and Roberto Maroni – the League has historically had two types of collegiate bodies: the federal council in which all the regional secretaries sat, in addition of governors and group leaders and a smaller political secretary.
During Bossi’s last years of leadership, it was Maroni who headed the political secretariat, a body that he later proposed again during his tenure. During the meeting this afternoon, Salvini did not mention the names of those who will join the secretariat that he intends to appoint. But the patron of via Bellerio had with him a sheet on which he had nailed a diagram, yet to be closed.
During the river meeting, which was attended by the undersecretaries Giancarlo Giorgetti, Lorenzo Fontana and Andrea Crippa, as well as the group leaders and the organizational manager Roberto Calderoli, a first round of the table was held in which the regional coordinators, Región por Region. , and Municipality by Municipality, result of the electoral consultation. All the regional coordinators and undersecretaries participated, such as Giorgetti. During the debate, Salvini reaffirmed his desire to open up to civil society and, in the future, to candidates for “renewal”. The secretary of the Northern League then recalled how much the League had criticized for months the candidacies of Raffaele Fitto in Puglia and Stefano Caldoro in Campania, who were later defeated. Internally, there has been a need for greater coordination within the party to avoid mistakes and misunderstandings.