The number of positives and daily deaths is growing, and with them also that of the sick COVID-19 hospitalized in intensive care: 1,640 new ones were registered in Italy yesterday contagion, against 1,392 the day before, and 20 dead, six more on Tuesday. Maintaining apprehension is the case Lazio, with a number of infections that continues to increase (now higher than the hardest days of March and April) and the first countermeasures: in Latina, at least until October 15, it will be mandatory to wear a mask even outdoors, under penalty fine. from one hundred euros, while a Rome you go to local mini-bulls.
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Yesterday’s increase in new positives can be explained in part by the record of swabs made: 103,696, the highest number since the start of the pandemic, an increase of 16,000 more tests than the previous day. And it is still Campania, for the second time in a week, that has the highest figure with 248 new infections, followed by Lombardy (more 196) and Lazio (more 195). In total there are 46,114 patients, 625 more in 24 hours, with five more patients in resuscitation, bringing the total to 239, and an increase of 54 people in the other wards (for a total of 2,604). In this context, the situation in Lazio is under observation: yesterday the regional bulletin registered 195 cases, of which 135 in the capital, and three deaths. “We expect a slight increase in the RT index, but below 1”, explains Alessio D’Amato, Regional Minister of Health. The number of current positives is the highest since the start of the coronavirus emergency (6,184), even if compared with the first months of the epidemic, the incidence of asymptomatic patients over the total number of infected is much higher. However, intensive care admissions are also increasing: now there are 32, of which 14 at the Spallanzani institute. But we are still very far, in this case, from the peaks recorded at the beginning of April, when in Lazio there were about 200 more serious patients admitted to these rooms.
Covid Lazio, the bulletin: 195 cases, only in Rome 135. D’Amato: “In Sant’Eugenio new drive-in for children from 0 to 6 years old”
“Of the more than 9 thousand tampons today in Lazio there are 195 cases of these 135 are in Rome and three are dead. We must keep the attention high, we expect a slight increase in RT, but below the value 1 ”, declares Councilor D ‘Amado. LEAD TO PEDIATRICS “As of September 24, the first 400,000 doses of the flu vaccine will be distributed to local health authorities.
In the Capital, it is the family conglomerates that are worrying, with a constant and unequal contagion trend: «Infections in families, or in small nuclei, can explode. What we have recorded in nursing homes could happen. Now more than ever we have to speed up the times to recognize the positive, the asymptomatic and isolate them.
The alarm was launched by Pier Luigi Bartoletti, head of the Oscar, the special unit of the Lazio Region. “In this case, only with a quick diagnosis can we control transmission within families. Now it is clear that this virus is changing – he emphasizes – We must be prepared to change the protocol and the intervention strategy. As it happened in the summer months, when we discovered a high percentage of “return infections” and of arriving tourists. The hypothesis is to proceed with “mini lockdown”, containment areas to be isolated and monitored: apartment buildings and small quadrants of the city. “The attention is now on the schools – explains Bartoletti – which resumed on September 14. However, to understand what is happening, we must wait at least 20 days. And the first seasonal influences are already underway: “Now more than ever we must be able to distinguish a normal flu from the coronavirus”, concludes the Uscar technician.
Meanwhile, in Latina, and in the rest of the municipalities of the province, the use of a mask is mandatory even outdoors. Additionally, schools closed in southern Pontino. In Formia, where the mask requirement was already in force – and the hypothesis of establishing a “red zone” had also been raised – the opening of the municipal institutes was postponed to next Monday. High school, on the other hand, will start today, but with distance education. A measure that will involve six thousand students from the municipalities of Formia, Gaeta, Itri and Minturno.
Covid, extension of the state of emergency. The hypothesis: reach December 31
After the rumors of the last days, the first confirmations also begin to circulate: the extension of the state of emergency beyond October 15 is nothing less than a hypothesis. In fact, in all likelihood, as sources close to ‘explain, there will be an extension indeed.
Last update: 23:23