Aosta elections, vote between progressives and Renaissance – Valle d’Aosta


League excluded from second round. Among the lists first is the Renaissance

It will be a vote between the progressives (38.8%) and the Renaissance list (24.3%) for the post of mayor of Aosta. The scrutiny of the votes has decreed that the Aostanes must return to the polls on October 4 and 5. Former regional manager Gianni Nuti, supported by progressives and autonomists, and businessman Giovanni Girardini, at the head of a civic list inspired by the movement founded by Vittorio Sgarbi, will compete for the band. The exclusion of the second round of the League, which was a candidate of the architect Gianni Togni and who stayed at 20%, is a sensation.
Among the leading lists, the Renaissance (25.8%) ahead of the progressives (22.9%), the Lega (19.2%), the Valdotaine Union (9.6%), Forza Italia (5.6 %), Fratelli d’Italia (5.9%), Alliance valdotaine (4.8%) and Potere al popolo (2.9%). Autonomy and Freedom (0.8%) and the PCI (2.1%) closed.