Giuseppe Pasini

© photo by Filippo Venezia / Fotolive

Giuseppe Pasini

A rudimentary device, which could not have exploded, or was perhaps not made to do so, but could have caught fire anyway. However, a significant blast confirmed the bomb squad’s operations. In particular: gunpowder, in considerable quantities, complete with a trigger, embedded in a kind of “sausage” made with duct tape. No nails or splinters. A double envelope was contained in a package, delivered on Tuesday morning at the headquarters of the Feralpi group in Lonato and addressed to the president of Feralpisalò Giuseppe Pasini, patron of the homonymous steel company and president of Confindustria Brescia. It was he who opened it. And luckily no one was hurt. The management offices were evacuated for a few hours, but production was not interrupted. Report the news is the Messenger of Brescia.

Inside the package there is no message or claim: the men of the Digos of the Brescia police headquarters are investigating the matter coordinated by the anti-terrorist section of the Prosecutor’s Office, which has opened a file against unknown persons entrusted to the deputy prosecutor Silvio Bonfigli and the alternate Caty Bressanelli. It was up to the bomb squad to secure the area and make the bomb shine: a fire that surely could have hurt a lot. Instead, it will be up to the researchers to establish, in fact, whether it didn’t explode by chance or by the will (less likely) of those who went to the trouble to design, package and ship it. Mouths sewn in the company, although those who knew Pasini, who was in the city in the afternoon at the headquarters of the territorial office of Confindustria, described him as serene and peaceful.