Among the benefits recognized to civil invalids, in addition to the right to the monthly allowance, there is also recognitionaccompaniment assignment in the event that certain requirements are met.
Not all invalids have the right tocare allowance, known to many simply as “I accompany“This, in fact, is that Economic performance – paid to order – in favor of total civil invalids due to a physical or mental disability for which theinability to walk without the help of a partner orinability to perform the daily acts of life.
First of all, therefore, to be entitled to the assistance allowance, it is necessary to have been recognized as 100% civil invalid. We remind you that the recognition of the percentage of disability is not the task of the treating physician, but of a special ASL commission appointed by the INPS at the request of the interested party (the request for recognition of disability can be submitted or through the Disability Request present in the INPS website or supported by a sponsorship).
The recognition of 100% disability may entail the payment of the disability pension andcare allowance: these two measures are compatible and cumulative with each other, but it is not certain that when there is one, the other also exists. In fact, it could very well be that a 100% totally disabled person is entitled to a pension and not an attendant’s allowance, and vice versa; let’s see why clarifying when it depends on accompanying disabled civilians.
Disability pension and assistance allowance: what differences
There’s a difference between the disability pension and the accompanying allowance, both recognized to those who have a recognized disability of 100%.
However, to qualify for the supplementary allowance no financial requirement is required, while for the disability pension yes. In detail, while disabled civilians with a percentage between 74% and 99% must have an income of less than 4,926.35 euros (value updated to 2020) to be entitled to a monthly pension, for 100% disability this threshold is raised to 16,982.49 euros. In both cases, the amount of the monthly pension is 286.81 euros per month, but we remind you that for civilians 100% disabled with an income of less than € 8,469.63, theincrease up to € 651.50 per month.
However, to qualify for the supplemental allowance, no financial requirement is required. However, it is not enough to have a 100% disability, as it requires another psychophysical requirement. In detail, for the attached check, the invalid must also not be self-sufficient, that is, it must have been recognized as permanent inability to perform the acts of daily living without help, or to walk without the help of a partner.
Therefore, people with 100% disabilities are not necessarily entitled to the supplementary allowance. It could be that you can still carry out daily acts independently and therefore do not have the right to accompaniment. Also, if you are within the financial parameters indicated above, you will continue to be entitled to a disability pension.
At the same time, it can happen that a person who is 100% disabled and not self-sufficient exceeds the income threshold indicated above and therefore does not receive the relative pension; In any case, the latter would receive the assistance subsidy, since it is owed regardless of the financial situation of the person requesting it.
Suspension of the attendance subsidy
When the 100% invalid meets the requirements, you will be entitled to a monthly check amount – updated in 2020 – equal to € 520.29. Unlike the disability pension, which is recognized for thirteen months, there is no thirteenth in the supplementary allowance.
Warning: there is a case whereCompanion allowance is suspended.
This occurs when the beneficiary is hospitalized in a long-term care institution, paid for by the State, for a period of more than 30 consecutive days. In this case, at the beginning of the 31st day of hospitalization, the payment of compensation is suspended and it will be resumed only at the end of it.