Lecce, Eleonora, and Daniele knew their killer. The last screams of the girl: “Andrea, stop!”


Daniele de santis, promising Lecce Serie C referee and his partner, Eleonora Manta, they knew yours assassin. In all likelihood, the couple had opened the apartment door to the man who then stabbed them to death before fleeing with his face covered. Neighbors, in fact, in the general hubbub have also heard what they were probably last words of the girl, the Scream: “Andrea, stop!».

Read also> Lecce, referee Daniele De Santis and his partner killed at home. The killer on the run

Daniele and Eleonora they had just moved into that apartment on the second floor of number 2 in via Montello, halfway between the historic center and the Lecce train station. As Erasmo Marinazzo explains for the Quotidiano di Puglia, theassassin He is Italian and has a name, and that is why the Public Ministry has already consulted a computer consultant to try to trace the identity of this Andrea. Information is sought from the smartphones of the two victims, in addition to the tracks left by the murderer, such as the blood-soaked ticket found in front of the entrance to the condominium.

Images of surveillance cameras who have immortalized the killer escape, his face hidden by the hood and the knife still in his hand. The dimensions and characteristics of the knife, in addition to the use of gloves, leave no doubt to the researchers, who are investigating a double homicide aggravated by premeditation.

Daniele de santis, 33, from Lecce, refereed in Serie C but was considered among the ‘eligible candidates’ for the category jump to B. Eleonora Manta, 30 years old, from Seclì, graduated in Law and had just become an INPS civil servant in Brindisi. We try to understand the motive for the crime: one of the hypotheses is that the murderer had lost his mind over the girl and, by not charging, had decided to kill the couple who had just arrived at the new house. The only certainty is that the murderer was a known person: to enter the condominium, instead, it is necessary to have the pedestrian door open. While waiting for the autopsy results, investigators determined that the first victim was Eleonora, stabbed in the doorway, while Daniele was shot on the landing. Identifying the murderer is very little, finding him could be more complicated.

Last update: Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 12:19 p.m.

