A solidarity mechanism that will shoot “Automatically” for migrants who are rescued at sea. This was announced by the European Commissioner Ylva Johansson, who together with Vice President Margaritis Schinas presents the proposals of the new Pact on asylum and migration, underlining that “there will be no more ad hoc solutions” in each disembarkation, because there will be precise and pre-established indications, based on the evaluation of the European Commission.
United Kingdom: Migrants land on a nude beach and tourists offer them hot drinks
The EU wants quick repatriations, solidarity will be mandatory
In the plan “We have also provided special rules to regulate any crisis situation, such as the one we experienced in 2015, when two million migrants arrived.” “The solidarity mechanism remains essentially the same as the one already described,” with sponsored relocations and repatriations, “but in the event of a crisis the measures will be clearer and more limited in time,” he explained.
“Currently the EU has readmission agreements with 24 countries, some work, others less. We will strengthen the negotiations in this regard, but I also intend to use for the first time the legislation that came into force in February on visas: annual reports will be prepared for third countries where the level of cooperation on readmissions will be assessed. And this could have a positive or negative effect on the visa policy of the European Union towards those countries.
Von der Leyen: balance between responsibility and solidarity
For the European Union «It is time to face the challenge of managing migration together, with the right balance between responsibility and solidarity.», as stressed by the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, at the end of the Brussels College of Commissioners that approved the proposal for a new pact on migration and asylum.
“Today we are proposing a European solution to rebuild trust between Member States and restore citizens’ confidence in our ability to manage as a Union – he explained – The EU has already demonstrated in other sectors its ability to take extraordinary measures to reconcile divergent perspectives – he says -. The time has come to set ourselves the challenge of managing migration jointly, with the right balance between solidarity and responsibility ”. Last update: 13:30