
Graffignana (Lodi), 23 September 2020 – Very serious accident on provincial road 19 in Graffignana: car overturned in a ditch, a 22-year-old boy died. Immediately rescue was taken to help the young man who ended up with the car overturned in Colombian channel, between the town and nearby San Colombano, but he and she terms have appeared suffered very seriously.
Firefighters, on the scene with two fire trucks and a mobile crane, had to lift the car to free the boy. Carabinieri from the Borghetto Lodigiano police station, the local police to manage the roads, an ambulance from the White Cross of Sant’Angelo and two medical cars intervened at the scene. Yet to be clarified the dynamics of the accident, under scrutiny by the police, even if it appears that there are no other media involved. Given the obstacle, the traffic was diverted towards Casoni di Borghetto.
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