Migrants, new EU plan: relocation and repatriation are mandatory | Faster procedures are foreseen at the borders


“What we are proposing today will build a long-term migration policy that can translate European values ​​into practical management,” explained EU Commissioner Ylva Johansson. “This will mean faster border procedures so that people don’t have to wait in limbo. It means strengthened cooperation with third countries for quick returns, more legal avenues and decisive action to fight human traffickers. Basically, it protects the right to return”. seek asylum “.

Mandatory solidarity for countries under pressure “If a country feels that it is under pressure, and this may mean that the flows are too strong to manage or that there is a combination of factors, such as an earthquake or a pandemic, it can request the activation of the mandatory solidarity mechanism. The Commission Europe will then evaluate its entry into operation “.

“The distribution of responsibilities will be better” The new pact intervenes in current rules to lighten the burden on first-entry countries. If currently, in fact, the Dublin regulation places all the responsibility of the migrant who illegally entered the EU in the country of arrival, except for some cases, and presents “loopholes that allow migrants to flee and seek asylum in the State of your choice”. “, the new proposal” closes the loopholes and introduces changes that allow a fairer distribution of responsibility. “Citing examples of liability relief, Commissioner Johansson explained:” If the migrant already has a relative in the EU, the country where The relative resides will also be responsible for the newcomer. If the migrant has previously worked or studied in a state other than the first entry, that country will be responsible. “

Von der Leyen: “Pact to rebuild the trust of citizens”“Today we propose a European solution to rebuild trust between Member States and restore citizens’ confidence in our ability to manage as a Union,” said Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. “The EU has already demonstrated in other sectors its ability to take extraordinary steps to reconcile divergent perspectives,” she says. Now is the time to pose the challenge of managing migration together, with the right balance between solidarity and responsibility ”.
