Von der Leyen: EU solution on immigrants will rebuild trust – Europe


BRUSSELS – “Today we propose a European solution to rebuild trust between Member States and restore citizens’ confidence in our ability to manage as a Union.” Thus, the President of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, on the new Pact on Asylum and Migration, which will be presented shortly by Vice President Margaritis Schinas and EU Commissioner Ylva Johansson. “The EU has already demonstrated in other sectors its ability to take extraordinary steps to reconcile divergent perspectives,” she says. Now is the time to pose the challenge of managing migration together, with the right balance between solidarity and responsibility ”.


“Mission accomplished. The College of Commissioners has ended. After many consultations with all parties, our proposal for a new Pact on Migration and Asylum is now on the table. We are presenting a completely new architecture, a new beginning.” Thus, the Vice President of the EU Commission, Margheritis Schinas, his Twitter.

“Migration has always been and will always be part of our societies. What we are proposing today is a long-term migration policy that can translate European values ​​into practical management. This will mean clear and fair European migration,” said the Commissioner for Internal Affairs, Ylva johansson, on the new asylum and migration proposal.

The Dublin regulation places all responsibility for the migrant who entered the EU illegally in the country of first entry, except in some cases, and presents “loopholes that allow migrants to flee and seek asylum in the state of their choice. This proposal closes the loopholes and introduces changes that allow a fairer distribution of responsibility“, explained Schinas and Johansson, presenting the new Pact on Migration and Asylum. Citing examples of decreased responsibility, Johansson explains:” If the migrant already has a relative in the EU, the country in which the relative resides will also be responsible for New arrival. If the migrant previously worked or studied in a state different from that of the first entry, that country will be responsible ”.


“All EU states will have to show solidarity with countries under pressure: they can do so with relocations, or with sponsored repatriations. These are the two fundamental components of the mandatory solidarity mechanism,” the commissioners stressed. With “sponsored repatriations, States must repatriate, within eight months, a quota of migrants from the country of first entry. If not all repatriations are carried out within eight months, the partner State will host the that remain to be transferred to their territory. ” The mechanism also allows for contributions with capacity building, such as the construction of reception centers.

“The solidarity mechanism, with sponsored relocations and repatriations, will be activated automatically for migrants who are rescued at sea. But the landing country will also have to accept a part.”, they continued. In addition, “there will be no more ad hoc solutions” in each landing, because there will be precise and pre-established indications, based on the European Commission’s assessment.

For the migrant entering the EU illegally, there will be two ways: a standard procedure to apply for asylum, or a quick ‘border procedure’, Johansson specified. The “border procedure” safeguards the right to request asylum, but in the event of a negative answer it speeds up repatriation times, since the decision must be accompanied by the repatriation decision. The country will have 12 weeks to implement the express procedure. If you miss the deadlines, the case will go through the standard process. Migrants with nationalities that have low levels of asylum granting, such as Moroccans or Tunisians, will be subjected to “border procedure”.

“Currently – added the Swedish commissioner – the EU has readmission agreements with 24 countries, some work, others do not. We will strengthen the negotiations in this regard, but I also intend to use for the first time the legislation that came into force in February on visas: annual reports will be prepared for third countries where the level of cooperation on readmissions will be assessed. And this could have a positive or negative effect on the EU visa policy towards those countries. “To make the return policy more effective, it will appoint a” return coordinator “who will work with the” network of experts in return of the Member States “.
