Alexander Lukashenko took office as President of Belarus


Alexander Lukashenko took office as president of Belarus, his sixth term, during an unannounced ceremony that the press was unable to attend. Several hundred senior government officials participated in Lukashenko’s oath on the morning of September 23. News of the oath was released by state media after the ceremony. Journalist Franak Viačorka wrote on Twitter that, during the ceremony, half of the city center of the capital Minsk was isolated to avoid protests.

In the August 9 elections, Lukashenko had obtained more than 80 percent of the vote, but the opposition accused him of fraud. After the results were released in Belarus, there were large protests in Minsk and other cities in the country. The police reacted with violent charges against the protesters and mass arrests. The most prominent members of the opposition were arrested or forced to leave Belarus.

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On September 17, the European Parliament adopted a resolution calling for new presidential elections in Belarus by majority vote. The resolution obtained 574 votes in favor, 37 against and 82 abstentions. The resolution also did not recognize the official results of the “so-called presidential elections” on August 9. According to the European Parliament, these elections were held “in violation of all internationally recognized standards”. The resolution also provided that the European Parliament would not recognize Lukashenko as president once his fifth term, scheduled for November 5, ended.

– Read also: Nobody is winning in Belarus
