The Bologna City Council has launched three selection calls for the school.
The first is a selection, by examination, for the formulation of a ranking for the fixed-term hiring of AI operators
school services, category B, economic situation B1.
The second is a selection, by examination, for the formulation of a ranking for the fixed-term hiring of AI operators.
early childhood services, category B, financial situation B1.
The third is a selection, by examination, for the formulation of a ranking for the fixed-term hiring as a school teacher.
childhood, category C, economic position C1.
Applications for participation must be sent to the Bologna City Council before October 3.
The full copy of the announcement and the online form for submitting the application are available on the institution’s website at www.comune.bologna.it
For information, contact the Bologna City Council, personal and organizational area, piazza Liber Paradisus, 10 – Bologna, telephone 051 / 2194904-05.