the odyssey and the outburst of a father


Over two hours waiting to clean up my son only to be sent home and invited to come back the next day“.

It is the outburst of the father of a child enrolled in a middle school in the Conegliano area who on Tuesday morning diligently queued to access the “drive in” area of ​​the social and health district of via Galvani, active for 7 tampons. at 13 although Ulss2 is considering expanding or in any case strengthening the service.

One morning that has become a nightmare for the father, who lives in an inland municipality, who has decided to make his story known by also informing the Region: “The school my son attends called me Monday night and warned me that a case of positivity for coronavirus had emerged in his class. The institute also sent me an email with instructions on how to behave. One of these was reporting to the health district on Tuesday to clean up my son“.

This is what the father did, arriving around 10 on Tuesday at via Galvani, where he found a long queue.

“The snake’s car will have exceeded one kilometer,” the father continues, “obviously other children, and not only a swab had to be made. Around 12:30, as I approached the drive-in, a local police officer told me that I would no longer have time to put my son on the hyssop and that I would therefore have to return on Wednesday. All this while behind me were several other cars lined up“.

The father has already informed the Region of what he considers a disservice and on Wednesday the 23rd he will reappear in Via Galvani. “The school wrote me that my son should take a first swab on Tuesday the 22nd and a second on Tuesday the 29th. So those days must be those, they can’t tell me that after a long queue I have to come back the next day. Civil defense to inform as long as the cars in the queue are allowed in the buffer. “

The USL 2 confirms that queues are taking place, not only in Conegliano but also in other centers of the Brand and other provinces and regions, especially as requests for tampons for children are increasing.

As a result, the health care company seeks to improve service delivery. On Tuesday alone, 1,500 swabs were made in the province. And as of Wednesday 23, the clinic with direct access for Treviso swabs will be active in the old customs office and will replace the one that has been operating until now at Ca ‘Foncello hospital.

“This change – said the CEO of Ulss 2 Francesco Benazzi – It will allow us to offer a better service to users both in terms of available spaces and in terms of access routes ”. The hope of several users on the Piave left is that an upgrade will also affect Conegliano’s “shortcut”.

(Source: writing of
(Photo: archive).
