“In a pay-as-you-go pension system and in which the accrual of the right to a pension does not depend on the regular payment of contributions during working life, the sustainability of the long-term expenditure must be verified,” the Court of Accounts on INPS states black on white Regarding the implementation of Quota 100. “The consequences of these actions on the sustainability of the model by the production system must also be considered, both with regard to the contribution requested for general taxation, and to the subjects obliged to pay the contribution “denounces the highest accounting judiciary. The Report is from 2018 but highlights the changes introduced in 2019 with decree number 4 that introduces Quota 100 and blocks the connection with age for those who turn 42 years and 10 months of contributions (41 and 10 for women).
«In a social security system that still pays a large part services with a high-remuneration component, however, the Court continues, measures to increase spending by advancing the retirement age with respect to what is considered adequate with the actuarial and intergenerational balance, blocking the indexation of labor on life expectancy and the reintroduction of the window system (these are the three specific interventions implemented with Legislative Decree 4 of 2019 on pensions), entail both immediate cash needs (typical, as mentioned, of a pay-as-you-go mechanism), it is an implicit debt, since the remuneration component of the treatment is not corrected to take into account the longer duration of the service ”.
Def 2019 forecasts show an increase in spending for pensions of 3.2 percent that takes into account the Quota 100 and the other corrective measures to the Fornero law and, therefore, the estimated termination rates based on the most updated elements. The impact on GDP is expected to be 15.6 percent while in the next three years it should settle at an estimated 15.8 percent, we read in the 2018 Report of the Court of Auditors on the INPS that also contains references about the news. on social security in 2019 from Quota 100. Expenditure on other cash social benefits is expected to increase by 8.3 percent compared to 2018.