
too Matteo salvini comments on the case of Luis Suarez and it does it without brakes. In fact, the leader of the League wanted to give his opinion on the matter of the Uruguayan footballer, at the center of an investigation by the Perugia Prosecutor’s Office for the examination of Italian farce. This, according to the researchers, was organized by the directors of the University for Foreigners of Perugia to obtain Italian citizenship.
“The Suárez case is a misery which does not deserve to pollute the image of Italian universities – thundered a Tomorrow 5, the program led by Federica Panicucci and Francesco Vecchi, The former minister reiterated that Italian universities “are the best in the world.” And again, he does not skimp on criticism: “If someone makes a mistake, you pay, if he has rigged an exam he must pay, be fired on the spot,” explained the leader of the League. you have the right “. to go ahead and prepare for an exam. “But Carroccio’s number one also reserves a comment about the possible involvement of Juventus:” As a Milan player, I have the right not to answer. If someone knew or paid to compensate it is a crime, buying the Italian test is a crime. “… I wish there is a conviction for a real crime. “