“Participation of Juve? We have no concrete evidence”


Selvaggio Sarri, colonel of the Guardia di Finanza de Perugia in charge of the investigation that brought to light the irregularities on the occasion of Luis Suárez’s Italian exam, told Fanpage.it microphones more details of the investigative activity.

We intercepted conversations about the completion of the exam, the preparatory phase and therefore the request of Juventus that the exam be carried out so that Suárez could complete the process to become an Italian citizen and therefore a community citizen, having his wife of origin Italian “- explains Colonel Sarri to Fanpage.it – “But they realized that Suárez barely understood Italian and didn’t speak it at all. So they took an ad hoc course, focused on the questions they were going to ask him, and they made him memorize the answers in such a way that during the exam he managed to say something, being careful not to get off the rails with other questions “in addition, Sarri continues” They already had, in advance, the degree attributed to it: level B1, the necessary one introduced by Salvini in the Security Decrees to apply for Italian citizenship The certificate, the report, was all ready. “

On the day of the exam, the colonel points out, “the top management took care to get Suárez off the back streets to avoid being interviewed by journalists and everyone from realizing that he did not speak Italian.” Finally, on the involvement of Juventus, he explains “He expressed the need. We have no concrete evidence.
