More than 80 million annual accesses, accounted for 90% of online piracy in Italy: 58 illegal websites, more than 250 second and third level web domains and 18 Telegram channels were so overshadowed by the Guardia di Finanza of Gorizia. The provision is the result of a joint investigation against the centers of illicit diffusion in the Network of multimedia contents and, in general, editorial products protected by copyright, and was instituted by the judge for the preliminary investigations of the Court of Gorizia.
Among the sites obscured by the police is one that has been classified as reference point nationally for the dissemination of computer guides, software and methodologies can be used to obtain (on different platforms) access to multimedia content protected by copyright laws. The investigations were triggered by some in-depth investigations carried out against a man, hidden under the nickname Diabolik: they started from Friuli Venezia Giulia and also spread to Puglia, Emilia Romagna and abroad, in particular in Germany. , Holland and the United States.
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