«The measure is too general, it clarifies little or nothing. Tell us how we should behave. Mayors, citizens, workers and tourists repeat this, but also the representatives of the productive categories are worried and confused afterwards the ordinance signed yesterday by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, which imposed the mandatory mattress for those who returned from France and who in the previous 14 days stayed or passed through the French red zones. It will remain in force at least until October 7 (without prejudice to the possible adoption of a new Decree) and extends the obligation to carry out molecular or antigenic tests to people in Paris and in areas of France with significant circulation of the virus. Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Corsica, Hauts-de-France, Ile-de-France, New Aquitaine, Occitania, Provence-Alpes-Maritimes-Côte d’Azur. And while the Region awaits a clarification from the ministry to establish concrete guidelines, in Argentera, on the border with the Valle d’Ubaye, the mayor and parliamentarian Monica Ciaburro attacks: «The minister has launched this novelty without detailing the criteria or explaining what we should do. I emailed him, he didn’t reply. There is no talk of controls, of how to behave with people who work in France, or have romantic or family relationships beyond the Alps. Ironically, on the border is the refuge of Peace, which is two-thirds in Italy, one-third in France. What are they going to do, lunches in separate rooms for Italians and French? ».
Even the mayor of Limone, Massimo Riberi, admits: “We don’t know what to do. It appears that those arriving from the French red zones must be placed in fiduciary isolation and must be cleaned up within 72 hours. There are people here who work in Tenda or on the Costa Azzura and what do we do, a tampon every day? And the Tenda-bis workers who move from one place to another between Italy and France? And the passengers on the Cuneo-Ventimiglia-Nice railway line? And who comes from Ventimiglia, Nizza or Mentone to go to the Cuneo market? ». Right in the Piazza Galimberti market, also due to bad weather, no French were seen today. “The period in which they are most present is from June to August, now they are much less and with the ordinance, perhaps they will disappear completely – explains the president of Cuneo of the Italian Federation of Street Vendors, Gualtiero Chiaramello -. Even if they came, however, I don’t know what to say. We certainly cannot do the swab in the square.
The chef of Cortemilia, Carlo Zarri, puts his hands out and refuses “to be a policeman or carabiniere”: “I advise associates to respect the usual protocol adopted with clients: mandatory mask, disinfecting their hands every time they enter from outside, take your temperature and ask if you come from a red zone or have been in contact with positive people. After that, we are not investigators: if a client transgresses and perhaps declares falsehoods to us, we cannot be responsible. Better to activate specific border controls. ” Between the Cuneo area and France, thousands of heavy vehicles pass each day. “But in light of the above exceptions, the hyssop obligation does not apply to the crew of the means of transport and to the traveling personnel – explains Diego Pasero, president of Astra Cuneo, who today sent a note to the more than 500 associated trucking companies: – There are truckers who can go to Marseille three times a week. Can you imagine e What chaos would ensue if they had to undergo the swab every time?
In Piedmont, the analysis service is active in all local health companies, both through direct access to contact details and at the times indicated on the ASL websites, and by reservation. “For us it will change little, we will simply add France to the rest of the countries already considered high risk, which are Spain, Greece, Croatia and Malta – says Domenico Montù, head of the Hygiene and Public Health service of ASL Cn1 -. We are already organized and there will be no difference compared to the tested system. Those returning from the red zones in France will have to isolate and clean themselves immediately. I think the ordinance will affect tourists in particular. For workers, there should be exceptions. ‘