In Imola, where voting was resumed after the resignation of the Five Star Board due to internal disputes, Marco Panieri obtained 20,558 votes and 57.4%, while the loyalist of Matteo Salvini, the regional councilor Daniele Marchetti, obtained 9,569 votes and 26.7%. The 5-star candidate, Ezio Roi, ranks fourth with 2,257 votes (6.3%): in June 2018 Manuela Sangiorgi obtained 29.29% in the first round (9,062 votes) and 55.49% in the second round (15,819 votes).
In Faenza (Ravenna) the outgoing councilor dem Massimo Isola, also supported by the M5S, becomes mayor with 59.5% while Paolo Cavina, from the center right, stands at 38.2%.
To Massimo Isola and Marco Panieri, Calvano sends a “thank you for having committed without saving energy, for having based your electoral campaigns on the discussion and listening to citizens. I wish you both a good job and I am sure that you will be immediately in Faenza and Imola service with enthusiasm, seriousness and desire to do. ”Virginio Merola, mayor of Bologna and head of the metropolitan city, was also satisfied with the result of Imola:” I am very happy for this beautiful victory that returns Imola to the center-left. As a metropolitan city we need a strong and reliable interlocutor who leads the second city in the area. Metropolitan and Marco certainly is. “
The other challenges in Emilia-Romagna
A Vignola (Modena), where the former mayor Simone Pelloni was elected in the Region with the League, was fighting in the last vote: the center-left won with Emilia Muratori (50.07%), but Angelo Pasini (Center right, 49.93% )) obtained only 17 votes less than the opponent (6105 against 6122 of the opponent). TO Ride The elected mayor Matteo Deluca (Montese … is renewed) with 46% of the preferences and 11 votes more than the opponent.
The two municipalities in the Ferrara area vote in the center-right. TO Bondeno Lega candidate Simone Saletti triumphs with 59.1%: almost double the face of Pd Tommaso Corradi (33.9%). TO Comacchio clear success of the center-right candidate Pierluigi Negri (52.9%), far behind Alberto Righetti (31.1).
The first municipalities to complete the survey were Verghereto (FC), which sees the victory of Enrico Salvi (Protagonists of the territory) with 55.8%, and Ferriere (PC), which elects Carlotta Oppizzi (Ferriere’s roots and future) as mayor with 56.7% of the votes, after the death in March of the first citizen Giovanni Malchiodi, killed by the covid.
In the Parma area, several municipalities went to the vote. TO Pellegrino Parmense success of Alberto Canepari (Pellegrino’s Common Commitment) with 49%. TO Palanzano difference of 33 votes between winner and loser: Mayor Ermes Boraschi (Palanzano and its valleys) with 53% and 378 votes. Giuseppe Restiani (Looking to the future) is the mayor of Varano de ‘Melegari with 52.57%. TO Fontevivo The candidate of the Brothers of Italy-Salvini premier Tommaso Fiazza wins with 77.7% of the votes. Matteo Concari is the mayor of Soragna with 40.27%.
In Reggiano it was voted Luzzara: reconfirmation of Elisabetta Sottili (center left for Luzzara) who assumed the mayoralty at the end of January after the election of Andrea Costa to the Regional Council: today she obtains 68.6%. TO CanossaFor his part, Luca Bolondi (Unidos por Canossa) is confirmed as mayor with 52.8% of the votes.