Whole list President of Zaia 24 seats go to the other government allies of Veneto 17 (9 for Salvini-Lega, one for the Autonomous List of Veneto, 5 for Brothers from Italy and two to Forza Italia). To the coalition of Arturo Lorenzoni there are only 8 seats left: 6 in the Democratic Party, one in the Veneto we want and Green Europe. The numbers are ruthless, not only towards opponents, but also in the imbalance with your party. Only the reconfirmed governor of Veneto has practically the majority of the regional council. Which means you can do whatever you want. In addition, the opposition has been orphaned by the 5-star Movement that had 5 councilors, yet a thorn in the side. You are now outside the building.
With these results consolidated overnight, Luca zaia, now in the third term as president (in the fourth he was the deputy of Giancarlo Galán), launched his autonomist manifesto for a federalist Italy. He did so at the headquarters of the League of Treviso, speaking above all about autonomy and his Matteo salvini. It has extinguished any suspicions of rivalry, but by relaunching a federalist state reform He pointed out a very different path to the sovereign of his secretary, who seems to be more interested in the conquest of Italy than in a new administrative-institutional geography.
“In the League there are no different souls, just in case different sensitivities”Zaia says. Who reiterates: “The rivalry with Salvini? Now it’s a smash… No, I do not have any national ambitionmy job is to administer the Veneto, I don’t even think about the presidency of the State-Regions Conference. Since I have to dedicate my time to Veneto, I am more useful here. The vote concerns my administration, the political question faces political elections ”. As if to say that everyone does their part, within the League. However, Salvini was not thrilled with the success he was giving him. shadow, also because he lost in Tuscany, Puglia and Campania. “That is not true, Matteo congratulated him … But let’s not forget that Salvini raised the League from 3 to 30 percent. And let’s not forget either Umberto Bossi that made the League great not because of its visions of the Po Valley, but because it gave birth to great administrators, I am thinking of the first season of our mayors ”.
Ultimately, Zaia clings to the old parents, to reject the insinuations. And she explains that the real reason for her success in Veneto “is the vote of the people for the people, of the Venetians for the Veneto. Citizens of other parties also voted for us, because they went to vote for autonomy. We are not committing an illegality, Constitution It gives us full rights to request 23 subjects to administer ”. This becomes its fixed point, although autonomy, three years after the October 2017 referendum, runs the risk of becoming the great unfinished, rather than the “mother of all battles” as he defines her. “Rome experienced it as a subtraction of power, wrongly. Now they can no longer ignore this great vow of the Venetians. The minister called me Francesco Boccia and I asked him: ‘Did you call me to sign?’ I actually wanted to congratulate ”.
And here is the Zayan project, which is an expression of the moderation of a Northern League born in a Christian Democratic land, which has learned the lesson of that party between classes. “We must build a federalist country, because the entire territory cannot be governed from Rome. That is why we are not giving up, we have institutional projects prepared that will put Rome in difficulties. But now, after this vote, there is no going back. It is the Constitution that establishes autonomy from north to south. The autonomy game affects the entire parliament in all areas. Saying no to Veneto after this vote means they don’t want to listen to us. ” Faced with the criticism of Lorenzoni, who said that he lost due to the television overexposure of Covid and Zaia, the interested party responds: “In the first place, I did not want to steal a single moment of my administrative role, during the Covid emergency. I have dedicated myself to it, body and soul. Say it we won for the coronavirus it is reductionist and offensive to Venetians ”. And he appeals to regional identity: “I inherited a battered region considered the periphery of the empire, without visibility, which was not respected by others. I still remember in 2010, after the first elections: when I went to the national tables, they didn’t even care if Veneto was present. Now we are a reference, we have recovered the authority that we had lost ”.
How will it handle the superpower against its allies? Your alternate will be Brothers from Italy? “If it were up to me, there would be no need for the vice president of the regional council, because ours is a team game, not a policy box to fill or a shirt to wear. We need to see how many evaluators we will do and to whom we will give them. We will make the assessments, certainly not arrogant towards the allies. For me the president of the region is like a great mayor, he does not dedicate himself to politics ”.
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