The case of the Suárez exam: what Juventus risks


The Suarez case exploded this morning. At the center of the debate is the test that the Barcelona player takes to obtain Italian citizenship. From the investigations of the GdF of Perugia it appears that the arguments had been agreed upon and the scores assigned even before the test was carried out.

The player is not among the suspects. There Juventus was “with the intention of registering the player“, While «The University was available to take the exam“, has explained Wild Sarri, Colonel of the Guardia di Finanza.

However, the Juventus club “currently not investigated. There was no external pressure, it was the initiative of those who work at the University of Perugia who allowed themselves to be enchanted by such character“he added.

To clarify the matter, Eurosport I spoke with the lawyer Paolo Erik Liedholm, criminal lawyer of the Milanese law firm LCA. «This is a search and seizure warrant that was ordered due to ongoing investigations.He explains.

«It is possible, and at the moment it emerges, that Suárez and in general any external figure, are totally oblivious to the facts. However, in an abstract way, it is not impossible to imagine an extension of the dispute to third parties: to do so, however, a complicity in the crimes must be hypothesized. And this can only come from wiretappingHe adds.

About what can Juventus risk, Liedholm continues: «From a criminal point of view, nothing. Any suspect belonging to the company would be implicated in a personal capacity. So Juventus would not have been touched, except obviously for the hypothetical image effects».

In the subject Eurosport I also spoke with Federico Venturi, expert lawyer in international sports law: “Suárez is not a Juventus cardholder and therefore what happened around him cannot lead to a disciplinary offense under sports regulations, in an extreme crime hypothesis.».

«The offenses examined are not related to the code of sports justice and therefore I do not see any possibility of involvement from a disciplinary point of view. There are cases of strict criminal liability that also result in sports legislation and can be extended to the club, but this is not the case.Venturi concluded.
