Iacopo Melio, preference champion in Florence: he only campaigned online


He campaigned from inside the rooms of his house. And on Facebook, two days ago, he wrote: “After seven months I just go out to vote. At eight in the morning, accompanied by light rain and fresh air. I breathed in a good sense of freedom. The same one that I would like to try on Tuesday when I wake up in an open, democratic Tuscany, attentive to the rights of everyone and everyone, without discriminating against anyone.“He was satisfied. The wish, now you can touch it, is a reality. Iacopo Melio obtained 11,233 preferences in regional elections, an absolute record in Florence. She made her debut as leader of the Democratic Party at the university in the capital city obtaining the highest grade.

Twenty eight years, forced into a wheelchair, the boy who created the non-profit organization #vorreiprendereiltreno, which has animated dozens of battles over disability, for human and civil rights and who for his commitment was appointed Knight of Merit by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, it has been imposed on the list mates. He also beat popular faces and experienced politicians such as Cristina Giachi, deputy mayor of Florence, who collected 10,958 votes and as well-being councilor for Palazzo Vecchio, Andrea Vannucci, who ranked third with 8,011 preferences. Few have done better than Iacopo Melio, one is Leonardo Marras, leader of the outgoing group of Democrats, who in Grosseto obtained 18 thousand preferences, another the former councilor Vincenzo Ceccarelli, 14 thousand in Arezzo. But with an abysmal difference: Marras, like the other candidates, knew how to go street by street, square by square, talking to people, knocking on doors, giving speeches, attending classic dinners and meetings. Election campaign calendars. Iacopo Melio, no.

Since the health emergency broke out, he has remained closed at his home, in a protected environment. His election campaign was different from all the others: not by choice, but for health and prevention reasons. He wrote it on social media: “Risking to catch Covid would mean a big problem for me. And also for that reason my election campaign was” special “, from a distance, supported by wonderful arms and hearts.” Now that he has won a position as regional councilor, Melio is ready to “take Tuscany one step further”: “11,233 people left the house to put a cross next to my name, becoming the most voted candidate of the most important university in Tuscany, that of Florence. And now this, if I stop to think about it, it seems incredible to me. So thank you, it’s this morning’s post, 11,233 people, yet they’ve done even more: they trusted me with their hopes and dreams Give me confidence, and confidence is one of the most precious assets you can give someone. The same one that the Democratic Party gave me, assigning me the role of leaders: to the Party, and to the many colleagues who welcomed me with open arms, the second thanks goes ”.


Appeal of Iacopo Melio: “Let’s stop Salvini, let’s give Tuscany a future”

Then he expanded the range: “In recent years, many from all over Italy have asked me to represent a” change “: for the good of my territory, for the people who live there and for all politics, giving a signal that Shakes the hearts and heads of those who hope to regain lost enthusiasm. That signal came tonight, with overwhelming kindness, making room with its head held high. It came with a form of unconditional love, yours, that I never thought could exist. Like this. To you the third immense gratitude, because you are the second family that I have not chosen but that we have built for ourselves. “In the long post on Facebook he talks about the fatigue of his electoral campaign while standing:” They were two devastating months. I’m not exaggerating, “devastating” is the correct term. Physically and emotionally.
I found myself in the middle of an uphill marathon, dodging obstacles, lost someone on the way, fell and took off, took a wrong turn and faced the rain. In the end, however, the goal was never blurred in my head: to leap forward, along with the stories of those I have chosen to carry on my shoulders, respecting those ideas and values ​​that I have always worn with pride. But as for any result above expectations, such a goal would not have been possible without hundreds of arms and legs willing to support me: I will not give a name to any of them, because I will surely forget someone, but the volunteers who they accompanied me in this campaign. The only choice in Italy, totally online, represents the best teaching of this victory. Because you just can’t go anywhere ”. To them the fourth thanks, the fifth to his family: that “he endured sleepless nights. And my sister, who turned three tonight, checking the bill for me. Because shared anxieties weigh less, and if you understood this at fourteen you understood many other things. So we believe in this new dream called “change”, which today is the first step and could not be better. ”

Many went through Melio’s online electoral campaign: from Sassoli to Bartolo, from Bonaccini to Zingaretti, from Bonafè to Enrico Rossi and even from Obama’s filmmaker with posts and appeals videos. “stop Salvini and give Tuscany a future”. Successful mission.
