Coronavirus, the update of the infections in Palermo and Sicily to September 22, 2020


There is the 300th victim in Sicily with Coronavirus: it is a ninety-year-old man from Sciacca who died at home. On the other hand, 108 new infections have been registered on the island in the last 24 compared to the 7,008 swabs processed: the percentage of positives is therefore 1.54%, slightly lower than in recent days. The other data that draws attention is that with the 63 cases today (5 are from the Biagio Conte Mission) the province of Palermo exceeds that of Catania (+13) in the total count of infections since the start of the pandemic : 1,448 against 1,414.

The number of hospitalizations also continues to increase (224), which compared to yesterday registered a worrying +21. Fortunately, the number of patients in intensive care remains low, 15 (+1). The number of recently recovered patients is also high, which is 65. So the calculation of current positives does not rise much compared to yesterday: at this time, according to the newsletter of the Ministry of Health in Sicily there are 2,390 people with Covid, from these 2,151 are in home isolation without symptoms or with mild symptoms.

Increased controls at the airport

Following the new ordinance of the Minister of Health, the health checks of passengers on flights from France began. “A health examination is being carried out, please inform Falcone Borsellino, to analyze 130 passengers arriving from Paris Beauvais on a Ryanair flight.”

The situation in the rest of Italy

The new Coronavirus bulletin from the Ministry of Health confirms the worrying trend in constant increase in the number of new cases of positivity to Sars-Cov-2. Only in Lazio the number of patients in intensive care has tripled in the last two weeks and new cases continue to increase much more than in the rest of the country. Overall, in the last 24 hours there have been 1,392 new cases and 14 deaths. 239 critically ill patients who required hospitalization in intensive care (+7), 2,604 the number of hospitalized patients (+129). The latest coronavirus bulletin published yesterday, Monday, September 21, registered more than 1,350 new Covid-19 positivity diagnoses with about half of the swabs processed compared to the average of the last week and 17 deaths, while increasing the number of hospitalizations and critically ill patients.

Bulletin 22-2 September

Coronavirus, today’s newsletter Tuesday, September 22

Currently positive: 45,489 (+410)
Total cases: 300,897 (+1,392)
Hospitalized: 2,604 (+129)
Hospitalized in ICU: 239 (+7)
Deaths: 35,738 (+14)
Buffers: 87,303

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