In 2021 there will be the risk of an increase in the waste tariff for households. There is talk of an increase in Tari which, in some cases, will be two figures and in others it will even mean real doubling of spending.
This is because the new legislation on Tari annuls the possibility for municipalities to assimilate i special waste from companies. In this way, the number of subjects who pay the Tari is reduced, with the consequence that families and non-domestic users are not exempt. pay a much higher fee to ensure full cost coverage.
Increased risk Tari, the reasons
The legislative decree that implements the rules on circular economy, the so-called Legislative Decree 116/2020, imposed on the Municipalities the prohibition of being able to assimilate special waste to urban waste, with the consequence of the tax reduction of all productive activities.
Since the overall costs of the service will not vary much, a double-digit increase in the waste fee is expected in 2021 for all other categories, starting with household users and, in some cases, also the duplication
Also in 2021 the different rates should increase to consider the balance of which, before September 30, will confirm the 2019 rates.
Tari, the most important news with the new decree
The repeal of the tax on waste 2021 goes through the modification of article 198 of Legislative Decree 152/2006, which defines the powers of municipalities in matters of waste. The first paragraph provides the right to the management of urban waste and similar waste. Legislative Decree 116/2020 eliminates the reference to assimilated waste, which is therefore managed in a liberalized way.
There is another important news to consider. Paragraph 2 of the same article 198 established that the Municipalities could order the assimilation of non-hazardous special waste to urban waste, following various criteria established in an ad hoc decree issued by the Ministry of the Environment (among others, never issued).
Tari, what changes
Legislative Decree 116/2020 eliminates the possibility for Municipalities to organize assimilations, with the inevitable modification of the Tari regulations where assimilation is provided. Non-domestic users can deliver their municipal waste outside the public service, if they first demonstrate that they have sent it for recovery, providing the relative documentation. The novelty of the decree is linked to the new definition of urban waste, which also includes unsorted waste and separate collection. The wastes that fall under this new definition were excluding industrial activities with production sheds, since they do not produce municipal waste.
All other categories, on the other hand, will have to distribute the cost of the fees, on which, among other things, a increase by 2021.