2020 municipal elections in Lombardy, the results in Mantua and Lecco
The successor to the outgoing mayor of Lecco Virginio Brivio (from the Democratic Party, mayor for 10 years) could be Giuseppe “Peppino” Ciresa, 73, supported by Forza Italia, Fratelli d’Italia, Lega and a civic list, Lecco Ideal. Former councilor from 2001 to 2006 and president of Confcommercio Lecco until 2015: according to another first projection of the Opinio Italia consortium for Rai, the municipal authorities of the center-right of Lecco Ciresa would now drop to 49.8, followed by Mauro Gattinoni of the center-left to 40 , 9% and Corrado Valsecchi (civic).

Elections 2020, Mattia Palazzi wins indisputably in Mantua: who is the dem mayor who is confirmed as the leader of the city
Gels, masks and distancing: the seats in Milan for the referendum in anti-covid version
2020 municipal elections in Lombardy, municipalities to vote
The first mayors have already been elected, in very small municipalities with one or a few sections. In the province of Bergamo – Colere, Mezzoldo and Valleve -, in Bresciano (Magasa), in Corte de ‘Frati in the area of Cremonese, in Santo Stefano Lodigiano, in Lambrugo in the province of Como, in the area of Lecco (Esino Lario and Sueglio), in the area of Milan Baranzate and Cuggiono and in the province of Sondrio, Cercino and Spriana. In Gemonio, the symbolic city of Umberto Bossi’s League, 1,362 voters out of 2,335 voters, with a 58% turnout, reconfirmed the first outgoing citizen, civic Samuel Lucchini, that with his Civic Commitment list he obtained 66.6% of the votes, exactly double those obtained by his sole rival, Fabio Felli close to the center right, who with the Juntos por Gemonio movement got 33.4% of the votes.
Municipal elections 2020, the results in the province of Milan
In Bollate (Milan) the outgoing mayor Francesco Vassallo travels to reconfirm himself in the first round. Almost all sectors have already been scrutinized: Vassallo, supported by the Democratic Party and by 5 other lists, is close to doubling his opponent Peter Guidi, a center-right candidate: “We are around 55/60%, an extraordinary result . citizens I had registered a lot of positivity, but these numbers go beyond my expectations. Confirming in the first lap was not easy and we succeeded in the midst of many difficulties. People appreciated our work ”, comments Vassallo satisfied in the ‘Dire’. .
As for the rest of the municipalities, 69 of these have less than 15,000 inhabitants, so there is no runoff for them. Of these 24 were governed by prefectural commissioners, due to the distrust of the majority, not reaching a quorum in the previous electoral round or administrative problems. Two are in the province of Milan: Corsico – where the center-right nominated the disheartened mayor Filippo Errante and where Forza Italia and Italia Viva together support Roberto Mej – and Legnano where the junta had fallen due to disputes within the center-right. And again, other municipalities among the most important in this administrative round are Bollate (where the outgoing center-left mayor Francesco Vassallo runs again); Cologno Monzese (where the outgoing mayor is from the center right, Angelo Rocchi); Parabiago (the outgoing center-right mayor, Raffaele Cucchi, returns to the race without the support of Forza Italia); Segrate (outgoing mayor of center left, Paolo Micheli, who returns); Saronno (outgoing mayor Alessandro Fagioli returns with a coalition that brings together the entire center-right) and Voghera.

Referendum, in Lombardy the Yes exceeds 68%. Municipal exit polls: center-left advantage in Mantua, center-right in Lecco