
Published on: 09/22/2020 7:06 AM
The announced 7-0 did not come true and now Salvini and, with him, the center-right, finds himself with a bunch of flies in his hand, ” says a big man from Forza Italia. Matteo Salvini’s ‘trial’ started in the center right. The lack of ‘shelter’ in the regional teams announced on several occasions at the rallies, a campaign totally focused on social networks, losing sight of the ‘contact’ with the territory and an almost military management of the League, would have made many turn their noses in via Bellerio and the allies. To the point that someone has started to question the leadership of the ‘Captain’ in the center right. Papeete’s curse appears to haunt the former interior minister. Many of the exponents of the Northern League, Azzurri and Fdi have wondered: why always emphasize electoral campaigns and make them a referendum on oneself?
The tones used during the rallies were not to the liking of the Carroccio’s ‘old guard’ and those loyal to ‘Matteo’ ended up in the viewfinder. This electoral round, in particular, is characterized by one fact: the second assault on a red stronghold also fails. After Emilia Romagna, Tuscany also resizes the ambitions of the league’s number one. The conquest of the Marches alone, thanks to a candidate from Giorgia Meloni, “is not much compared to expectations”, confides a veteran player of the Northern League, who had believed in the possibility of giving a first ‘shoulder’ to the government of Conte.
From the points of Via Bellerio they begin to question the strategy of the ‘Captain’. Of course, the ‘numbers’ speak of a League firmly leading the center-right coalition. However, with Meloni’s breakthrough and the Bulgarian percentages brought home by Luca Zaia, someone begins to wonder if there could be an alternative.
the uncomfortable data from the League in the South, a problem for Salvini, who has always sponsored a national league that goes beyond the borders of the Po Valley. Recognizing that the party did not make its way in the South, indeed, it disappointed, is Lorenzo Fontana, Ligaveneta secretary and Ligaveneta deputy secretary: “Where the League is less strong then all the center right is less strong. Unfortunately I think that in the South a reflection must be made by the whole center-right “. “Obviously,” Fontana warns, “you still can’t tune in to that electorate or in any case the center-left is decidedly stronger. I believe that we must reflect on the entire center-right and in the South we must grow ”.
Even the yes to the referendum, they say, with the freedom of choice granted to parliamentarians and militants to ‘hide’ the different internal positions, ultimately turned out to be a boomerang for ‘Matteo’. Not surprisingly, Gianfranco Rotondi, Fi vice president of deputies, through Twitter, points out: “Are you always convinced that Di Maio is a drinker? Today he gathers the political victory of the Yes, the regional debacle darkens, the government and the legislature are closed, and all with the help of Salvini and Meloni. Chapeau! “.
Then he talks about the clandestine war between the Lega and the Fdi in Puglia over the candidacy of Raffaele Fitto, which perhaps came too late and already worn out by the Salvinian Niet. Not to mention the announced failure of the blue Stefano Caldoro in Campania, a name that never came down to Salvini and was ostracized to the end. In short, between crossed vetoes and cheap coups, the center-right coalition appeared united only officially from the beginning. And, probably, they say, he paid the consequences with Lega and Fdi that failed to break through, contenting himself with a substantial tie (3-3), if we do not count the votes in Valle D’Aosta.
In the Fdi area nobody wants to stir up the controversy, they postpone everything to the careful examination of the data, because now is the time to enjoy and promote the “ historic victory ” in a red bulwark like the Marches with “ the perfect field ” ‘Young Acquaroli.
In the Fi house, on the other hand, the so-called anti-sovereignists are increasingly convinced of the need to distance themselves from Salvini, in the name of a new central political project. The only one who comes out is the deputy, Osvaldo Napoli, who attacks the leader of the League and appeals to the center-right ‘moderates’: “If the center-right thinks of returning to Palazzo Chigi with Salvini as prime minister, then we have not understood the Meaning Today’s vote. Let us put our soul in peace: if we do not rebuild a strong moderate, liberal and reformist center capable of leading the coalition, the center-right is destined to lose, to lose forever and ugly. “
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