More than 100 cases of Coronavirus and 12 hospitalizations, a nightmare in the Biagio Conte Mission: “We will all get it”


The fear in the Biagio Conte Mission grows day by day. Hospitalized coronavirus positive patients now have 12, even if you suffer from other pathologies. Some are missionaries, others foreigners, as Mariella Pagliaro recounts on the newsstands in Giornale di Sicilia.

On the number of infected there is a ballet of figures: Sunday’s ASP gave 99 positives, plus 21 cases yesterday – as stated in the Ministry of Health bulletin – but for health leaders the cases in the mission would be 105 in total and no 120.

The truth is that the budget has certainly exceeded 100 and is destined to get worse because the result of 420 swabs performed in all the structures of the Mission is expected and not just in via Decollati, the epicenter of the cluster.

Nello Musumeci and Ruggero Razza

And at night the news spread that even in the center of via Archirafi, until now immune to contagions but shielded by the police, there are some cases of positivity. The volunteer and spokesman Riccardo Rossi resigned: “We will all take it, it is inevitable. The conditions do not allow isolation between the guests, but we must protect the most fragile people.”

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