(ANSA) – VENICE, SEPTEMBER 21 – “I hope that in the end the result will be a little better than these first projections,” Arturo Lorenzoni, center-left candidate for the Veneto Regionals, told Antena 3. “Congratulations to Luca Zaia who has built a very strong personal consensus – he emphasizes, commenting on the defeat of his coalition -. We take note. A path of opposition begins that will be constructive because we need a different policy within the regional council ”. Lorenzoni, in quarantine after the positivism in Covid, explains that his electoral campaign was strongly conditioned by his health conditions.
“A campaign carried out in quarantine – he recalls – and ended in total confinement. We work in conditions that I think were absolutely new. Those who had media visibility linked to the institutional role were rewarded ”. (HANDLE).