The 2020 regional elections in Campania saw a clear victory for Vincenzo De Luca over his contenders for the office of president. The center-left exponent then wanted to thank the candidates and the lists that supported him. However, he also said that he believed, as Agi reports, that “Campania’s electoral data cannot be read in terms of left and right.” From his point of view, in fact, his candidacy “was supported by a progressive world, but also by many moderate forces, even from the non-ideological right that recognized itself in a government program.” For De Luca, in addition, “this result expresses the pride of Naples and Campania for the dignity recovered nationally and internationally.” The Campania president also sounded an alarm about Covid, explaining that from his point of view a second wave is underway that is being underestimated with general distraction and relaxation throughout Italy. Therefore, from their point of view, a new line of rigor is needed. (update by Lorenzo Torrisi)
The actual ballot data in Campania, still far behind with 122 sections counted for the president and 109 for the lists, simply confirms the triumph of Vincenzo De Luca to 65.87% of the preferences: collapse of the right center that at the moment with Stefano caldoro would not exceed 16% (20% according to the latest final projections), while Ciarambino of the M5 for the moment, it would get 14.31% in the 2020 Regionals polls in Campania. Top lists, the Democratic Party would remain the first party in Campania with 17.4%, with De Luca President with 13.6%, M5 with 12.5%, Lega with 7.9%, Italia Viva with 6.8%, Fratelli d’Italia with 5 , 9%. Forza Italia 4.4%, Democratic-Popular Doing at 4.1%, Noi Campani at 3.9%, Campania Libera 3.5%, Democratic Center at 3.4%. (adj. of Niccolò Magnani)
It does not appear that we have to wait for the final results of the regional elections in Campania to be able to say that Vincenzo De Luca has been confirmed as president. Opinio Italia’s projection for Rai with 9% coverage gives the center-left candidate 60.2% compared to 20.3% for Stefano Caldoro and 14.5% for Valeria Ciarambino. Swg’s projection for La7 with a coverage of 4% even attributes the outgoing Governor to 66.8%, compared to 19.2% of his main rival and 10.6% of the five-star candidate. De Luca’s victory is undoubtedly important for the center-left and also for the governor of Campania himself, who has also launched a plan to deal with the social and economic repercussions of the coronavirus crisis in recent months. It will be interesting to hear your first statements after the vote. (update by Lorenzo Torrisi)
Pending the final results of the regional elections in Campania, exit polls, instant polls and intention polls give Vincenzo De Luca the victory. Regarding the data related to participation, in the southern region 56% of those who have the right to vote went to the polls, a figure lower than 61% in Veneto, in line with 56.1% in Puglia and even more than 53% of the Liguria. Among other things, compared to previous votes, there was an increase in voters, from 52.8% to 56% precisely. On social media, meanwhile, De Luca’s statement is also “celebrated” with gifs portraying the outgoing governor in some of his television appearances, often the subject of inspiration for the Maurizio Crozza impersonation. If the data circulating now is confirmed, it must be said that De Luca would obtain a really clear statement, although not like the one that is outlined in a similar way in Veneto for Zaia, also outgoing president. (Lorenzo Torrisi update)
Seats were also closed in Campania and pending the results of the regional elections, which, according to instant polls and exit polls, would yield a fairly clear verdict in favor of the center left. According to Quorum’s instant poll for Sky Tg24, Vincenzo De Luca would have a voting package between 52% and 56%. Stefano Caldoro, on the other hand, would stop at a fork between 26% and 30%. Valeria Ciarambino, candidate of the 5 Star Movement, is credited with a number of votes between 11% and 15%. According to Tecnè’s survey of intentions for Mediaset, De Luca would even have a percentage of votes between 54% and 58%, while Caldoro would remain at 24-28%. The Ciarambino would have a figure in double digits, between 11% and 15%. Similar data in Opinio Italia’s exit survey for Rai: De Luca credited with 54-58%, Caldoro with 23-27%, Ciarambino 10.5-14.5%. Therefore, De Luca should easily achieve victory and reconfirm himself at the head of the Campania region. (Lorenzo Torrisi update)
After 3:00 p.m., with the closing of the polling stations, the first ballot boxes for the Campania 2020 Regional Elections will also begin: from 16.30 instead there will be screenings in which you can already have interesting information about the third challenge between Vincenzo De Luca and Stefano Caldoro for the Campania guide. While waiting for the first results, the controversy increases in Campania’s policy to denounce the Senator M5s Vincenzo Presutto for what happened in the headquarters of Naples, district of San Giovanni a Teduccio. “While fulfilling the functions of representative of List»Writes Senator Grillino on Facebook,«I was forced to request the intervention of the State Police to arrest another representative of the list, of a party of the coalition related to President De Luca that within the school “gave advice” on who to vote for “. After the complaint, the man allegedly insulted him and threatened: “This was followed by a complaint to the men of the police forces present at the school and then I went to file a complaint at the Naples Police Headquarters, leaving seats number 295, 296, 298 and 299 “unattended”. Several witnesses noted the repeated attempts to bring voters closer together. It is an undemocratic and illicit attitude that I could not keep silent about», Presutto concludes on social networks. (adj. of Niccolò Magnani)
At 11 pm yesterday theto turn off Relative to regional elections in CampaniaAccording to data from 508 out of 550 municipalities, it was 39.8% (Alabama referendum on cutting parliamentarians voted instead in 42.78% of the holders). The southern region of Italy, which according to yesterday’s polls will have to choose between Vincenzo De Luca me Stefano caldoro, is one of those who are participating more actively in voting operations, net of the difficulties – not a few – that are characterizing an election strongly characterized by the emergence of the coronavirus. The distribution of votes in the different provinces is quite homogeneous: the one with the highest participation in the Regional after the first day is Caserta, where he 40.20% of the headlines. Follow Salerno with the 39.62%, then Naples with the 38.86% and Avellino with 37.01%. Lagging for the moment the province of Benevento, where he 36.22%. (adj. by Dario D’Angelo)
Second and last voting day 2020 regional elections in Campania. We still have to wait for the results, because today from 7 to 15 those who have not yet voted can remedy and express their preference. The outgoing governor Vincenzo De Luca He has already voted: he did it yesterday at 8.30 at the polling station number 24 which is located in the electoral district of Da Procida secondary school in Salerno. The rival Valeria Ciarambino, candidate of the 5 Star Movement, voted yesterday at the headquarters number 23 of the Omero school in Pomigliano d’Arco (Naples). The candidate Giuliano Granato he voted at 11 a.m., again yesterday, at the G. Leopardi educational club in the Fuorigrotta district. However, there are seven candidates for the presidency of the Campania Region: in addition to those mentioned above, there are Stefano caldoro, Luca Saltalamacchia, Sergio Angrisano me Jose Cirillo. Once the polls close at 3 pm, voting will begin, but there will be a wait for the results of the 2020 regional elections in Campania. It will start first with those of the referendum, then it will move on to the regional ones. Meanwhile, the data regarding participation are available: yesterday at 11 pm it was learned that 36.42% of voters went to the polls.
the 2020 regional elections in Campania They will be remembered not only because they are held during the coronavirus pandemic, and therefore because all the measures to avoid contagion are respected. There is a detail that the voters of Campania noticed immediately after going to their polling station. There voting ballot on what they had to vote on, and on what today those who have not yet come forward are called to vote, is enormous. This is due to the lists of support for the outgoing governor, Vincenzo De Luca. There are 15 lists, between parties and civics, for the outgoing president of the Campania Region. Therefore, a situation similar to the one that occurred in Puglia has arisen, where Michele Emiliano also relies on 15 lists. Consequently, once he opens the ballot, he finds a kind of “leaf” in his hand. Many voters, especially the elderly, have found it difficult to fold it, an operation that, among other things, should only be done inside the voting booth so as not to undermine the secrecy of their vote.
the Regional elections in Campania this year they represent a reissue of the challenge among the candidates of the three major camps presented in 2015, so let’s see how it ended 5 years ago. At the time, Stefano Caldoro was the outgoing governor: the Forza Italia candidate in 2010 had beaten Vincenzo De Luca himself. However, the exponent of the center-left took revenge in 2015 by winning 41.2% of the votes, compared to 38.4% for the center-right candidate. A victory almost at the end of the photo, to which the 17.5% obtained by Valeria Ciarambino of the 5 Star Movement contributed as an element of instability. In that case, however, the divided vote already present as an option for the Campania region demonstrated a greater strength of the candidate De Luca compared to Caldoro. The “bailiff” actually took 41.2% against the 40.2% obtained from the lists in his support; on the contrary, Caldoro stopped at 38.4% compared to 39.5% for his coalition.
Here the information and all the data of the first day of voting in Campania