Regional elections: Nicola Zingaretti, the strong man


Chat chat in these hours bounces a video. Nicola Zingaretti in a white shirt, on stage, with the crowd from a rally in front of him. In the background, the mythical song by Vasco Rossi: “Yes, I’m still here.” Signed: friends and friends of Nicola. In short, “it seemed the end of the world,” says the previous verse of the song, which is not heard in the video but seems very successful. The three to three in the Regionals for the Democratic Party is the obtaining of the secretariat of Zingaretti: “If we had lost Puglia or Tuscany, or worse, both, I would have had to resign,” say many other parliamentarians. The result was nothing obvious and the tension in recent days has skyrocketed.

And instead, at the party, today, we got on the winner’s train who has achieved the goal of preserving Tuscany, Campania and Puglia. A result that, for Dario Franceschini, is the entire secretary: “Thanks to Zingaretti who, amid pressures and pessimisms of all kinds, has led the party in the right direction, both in the referendum and in the regional governments”, writes the minister on Twitter. .

And here is the president of Emilia Romagna Stefano Bonaccini, who went to Florence to celebrate the center-left candidate Eugenio Giani: “I have always said imagine asking for a congress while the country prepares to go to discuss the real bet that we have ahead, or the Recovery Fund, it would mean being psychoanalytic, not normal people. ”He also drives away the specter of an early congress.

Today is a party for Zingaretti. It achieved a good result in a difficult situation, with the Democratic Party having to confront, as well as with the right, also with its own allies – M5s and Italia Viva – by virtue of the failed attempts of alliance in the territories. And then the secretary at the edge of the end of the electoral campaign makes liberating statements, especially by removing some pebbles from his shoe: “From the data it appears that if our allies had listened to us more, the government alliance would have won almost all Italian regions “. Read Marche. In Liguria, on the other hand, the only region where the Pd and M5 raced together, the deal fell through. Veneto wasn’t really in the game.

Democratic leaders, but also a large group of ministers, from Gualtieri to Franceschini, from Provenzano to Amendola, gather at the headquarters of the Democratic Party, around the secretary, the protagonist of the day. At the moment, no one is officially talking about reorganization or new entries, perhaps with the creation of new proxies that are currently absent. “Now I do not fall into the trap of reorganizing the names, we will pressure the Government on the Recovery Fund, if we lose this challenge, then any hypothesis of change is over,” says the secretary in front of the cameras. Above all, it is time to focus on the European Stability Mechanism: “In alliances you have to get results, not give ultimatums that are only for the incumbents. Month is an advantageous line of credit. We will ask that investment in health care through ESM also be included in the renaissance package. ” And then again, Zingaretti dictates his agenda: “There is an agreement on the Salvini decrees, which I do not call security. Now they must be approved absolutely “with the agreed changes in which” there was hard work, political chiselling, confrontation. I think the time has come and it can be done ”.

In fact, the specific weight of the Democratic Party has increased compared to that of the allies. “I think Conte will decide on the governance structure,” says the Minister of the South, Giuseppe Provenzano, not by chance, who is asked if there is a reorganization on the horizon. In fact, many in the party think this way, but for a government shakeup to become more concrete, it will take a little longer. For now, Zingaretti, left for dead, claims to be stronger than ever and, as Vasco sings, “still here.”
