In the post, a kind of moral testament with a vengeful tone, the murderer from Turin describes himself as a victim, listing an escalation of physical and psychological problems of which, according to him, his wife – who would later become an ex-wife – over the years he would not have assumed enough. watch out. The resentment that emerges from the words of Claudio Baima Poma’s post is old, but lucid, and despite its extension it does not show the slightest capacity for self-criticism. Even the depression and back pain that the post-murderer claims to suffer – pathologies that do not lead to homicidal instincts – are used as rhetorical weapons against the ex-partner, described as a selfish creature who did not take enough care. of the killer’s weakness, stay close to him instead of leaving him.
The intention of the post is sadly clear: it is not a private letter, but a public letter placed on the most popular of social networks, in front of friends and family in common, with the obvious intention of leaving their own version of events. as an explanation for the murderous gesture, as if a backache or depression could explain a gunshot to an 11-year-old boy.
What happens in place of publication is a terrible story of possessiveness and selfishness. Even when he died, the murderer wanted to harm his ex-partner, from whom he had never agreed to separate. The impossibility of rebuilding a life and seeing her rebuild hers without him pushed Claudio Bauma Poma to take the life of his son to leave the woman by whom he felt cheated, in addition to the insurmountable emptiness of the loss of his son, also the guilt that it might somehow be the cause. For him, instead, he asked to be accompanied by motorcyclists on Harley Davidsons, in a kind of procession of honor to which he evidently thought he was entitled. Unfortunately, many comments under the killer’s post reveal that there are still many people who call this illusion of possession “love.”