Regional elections of Liguria. Exit polls, projections and live results – Politics


Genoa, September 21, 2020 – Of the 15 polls closed in Liguria participated in regional elections as well as in the consultation for constitutional referendum in the court of parliamentarians. Exit polls, projections and live results: there are ten candidates for the presidency of the institution. The regional assembly will also be renewed. The projecting joint is center right.

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Giovanni toti, during his tenure he faced the challenge of the rapid reconstruction of the Morandi Bridge, achieving national prominence. He seeks confirmation of his government supported by the entire center-right -Lega, Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia, Unione di Centro-, as well as the list of President Toti.

There is a challenge for him The weather in Ferruccio Sansa, journalist and writer, who has the characteristic of being the only candidate in this electoral round in which the Pd and Movimento 5 Stelle have agreed, inaugurating the pact signed in recent weeks. In addition to dem and grillini, it also has the support of the Europa Verde, Demos and Centro Democratico, Sansa Presidente, Linea Condivisa lists.

Said no to the Pd-M5s axis Aristide massardo, candidate from Italia Viva, + Europa, PSI and Human Value Party (PVU), as well as Alice salvatore, former leader of the 5 Stars of the Region, who decided to run only with his own list, Il Buonsenso.

They complete the starting grid Carlo Carpi, businessman in prison for stalking and defame with the list that bears his name; Marika cassimatis (Constitutional basis), another former 5-star who was elected as a candidate for mayor of Genoa by the Movement, only to be repudiated by Grillo; Giacomo Chiappori (Grande Liguria), former parliamentarian of the Northern League; Gaetano russo, which shows on the card the symbol of the shield of the crusaders, which is postulated for Il Popolo della Famiglia-Dc; Riccardo benetti, supported by the environmental list ‘Now I respect all animals’ and David visigalli (Reconquest Italy).
