Francesco AcquaroliThe 45-year-old becomes governor of the Marches on his second attempt. The deputy of the Brothers of Italy, who grew up politically in Juvenile Action always alongside Giorgia Meloni, managed to conquer another red stronghold always governed by the center-left, thanks to a moderate and pragmatic campaign, based on a 10-point program (I Love the Brands). He had already tried in 2015, raising only 19%, half compared to outgoing governor Luca Ceriscioli (Pd). Triumph of Marche! Thanks to Francesco Acquaroli and the Brothers of Italy, the center right will administer another bastion of the left. From north to south, Fratelli d’Italia, the only party that grows in all regions to vote, the leader of the IDF, Giorgia Meloni, rejoices on Facebook
His wife Lucia and cheering for Inter
Acquaroli, married to Lucía, with a degree in Economics and Commerce: former financial consultant and former mayor of Potenza Picena from 2014 to 2018, is part of the so-called Atreju Generation, the post-An youth association in which the current leader Meloni grew up. Not much is known about her private life, except for a few anecdotes: at her wedding, for example, Acquaroli (a passionate Inter) was forced by friends to wear the Juventus shirt. And always consulting his old friends, especially his fellow travelers in politics, the unanimous opinion: Francesco is a good person. Very shy and does not like to appear. Unusual gifts for a politician: his staff, in fact, even in the electoral campaign, had to work hard to get photos and videos taken with him as the protagonist.
The fascist dinner
In the political career of Acquaroli, elected to the Chamber in March 2018, there are no major setbacks until October 28, 2019. That night, 97 years after the March on Rome, the future governor of the Marches participated in a fascist dinner organized by the provincial coordinator of Fratelli d’Italia, with brochures and nostalgic photos of Benito Mussolini. Acquaroli had participated in that initiative along with other party colleagues, including the mayor of Ascoli Piceno, Marco Fioravanti. A political storm broke out and Acquaroli explained that he was unaware of the commemorative intention of the occasion and distanced himself from it. Faced with the news, the Democratic Party attacked him harshly, branded as unpresentable. In the days that followed, Acquaroli wrote an open letter: I was born in 1974: I have no nostalgia for the past.
September 21, 2020 (modified on September 21, 2020 | 19:52)