“Apart from the sacrificial lamb.” Enrico Mentana drop the bomb Nicola Zingaretti: On the eve of the vote they gave it their all with one foot outside the Democratic Party secretariat, announcing the defeat of the party to the regional authorities. And instead it seems that dem can hold on Tuscany and even defend the Puglia for a sensational 3-3 draw. But even in the event of a 4-2 (with Eugenio Giani’s win over Susanna Ceccardi), Zingaretti would be safe: in fact, according to Mentana “can become the head of the government alliance and in that case he can make proposals. “The real loser would therefore be the 5 Star Movement, impalpable with its candidates in Puglia, Liguria and Campania: the balance of power could change, since if the government is saved it is because the Democratic Party managed to save the hut from a blow to the tail. And puppets defending Tuscany. Meanwhile, the secretary of the Democratic Party has already met with Dario Franceschini and wait Andrea Orlando, returning from Liguria. “The impression is that the atmosphere is quite calm – said the reporter of Tg La7 – we think above all in Tuscany because that is the front of Arno and it seems that it could hold. What if Zingaretti leaves early to make statements? I don’t think I’m going to wait for a definite situation in Tuscany ”.