Suspension, reaming process: 6 months for counterfeiting. I suspend myself from the 5 stars


The sentence came shortly after 3:00 p.m. today, September 21. The mayor of Turin Chiara Appendino was sentenced to six months for forgery in public deed (in relation to the 2016 financial statements) and acquitted for the crime of abuse of power. “I am completing my term as mayor of Turin, but I am suspended from the 5 Star Movement as required by the code of ethics ”, comment by Appendino. The trial in which she was charged is called Ream: it is an off-balance sheet debt not included in the accounts of the Palazzo Cívico for 2016 and 2017. Deputy prosecutors Enrica Gabetta and Marco Gianoglio had requested a sentence of one year and two for the first citizen months in prison. Appendino, defended by lawyers Luigi Chiappero and Luigi Giuliano, chose to be tried with an abbreviated procedure, claiming to have always acted in the interest of the city.

The verdict was highly anticipated. Acquittal of the crime of abuse of power protects the mayor from having to resign from the Palazzo Civico. In addition to the hanger, They were sentenced to six and eight months respectively. , also Budget Councilor Sergio Rolando and the former chief of staff Paolo giordana (assisted by attorney María Turco). Finally, the financial director Paolo Lubbia was acquitted, defended by the lawyer Lorenzo Imperato: the manager had not opted for alternative rites. This is how a judicial process started in the spring of 2017 is closed, after a complaint presented to the Public Ministry by the minority councilor Alberto Morano.

Turin, Mayor Appendino’s problems
The first blow: the chief of staff resigns
The investigation

The story told in the process is complicated. In 2012, the Ream company, a subsidiary of the Crt Foundation, paid the City Council 5 million euros as a deposit to guarantee the right to purchase the area. In 2013, however, Amteco & Maiora won the tender for 19.6 million euros. The contract ends on December 29, 2016 and it is that day when the 5 million debt becomes payable: in essence, Palazzo Civico is in the position of having to return the deposit to Ream. But that money is not there. At that time – this was the thesis of the prosecution – Appendino and Rolando, “inspired” by Giordana, would have orchestrated the plan to be able to reach the end of the month, with the intention of moving the restitution to 2018. But to do so, according to the prosecutors, resolutions with false content would have been approved.

September 21, 2020 | 15:14

