Puglia regional elections, awaiting the results: the live count


The citizens of the Region voted for the election of the new president and the regional council. The voting system is proportional in a round with the allocation of a variable majority bonus. On the same occasion, the constitutional referendum was also voted to confirm the cut in the number of parliamentarians and, in some cases, also municipal ones.

At 3 pm the vote count began in Puglia, from which the name of the new president of the Region will emerge. On September 20 and 21, the citizens of the area expressed their preference for the future governor and for renewing the regional council. On the same occasion, voters also went to the polls for the constitutional referendum to confirm the reduction in the number of parliamentarians and, part of them, also for municipal (LIVE VOTE UPDATES). As for the Regionals, here are the eight candidates in the race (ELECTORAL MAP OF PUGLIA – THE SPECIAL ELECTIONS).

Candidates for the presidency of the Puglia region

See also

The electoral map of Puglia

To compete for the role of governor of the Puglia region there are eight candidates, starting with the outgoing Michele Emiliano, supported by the Democratic Party, Italy in the Municipality, Emiliano Mayor of Puglia, Civic Sense, With Emiliano, Popular with Emiliano, Puglia Verde and Solidaridad, Realmente-Ecología y Derechos-PAI, Retired and Disabled, Partido del Sur, Independientes del South, Christian Democracy, liberals, alternative left. By the center right he presented Raffaele Fitto, with the support of Lega, Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia, Unión de Centro-Nuovo PSI, Puglia Domani. Antonella Laricchia instead, he is the candidate supported by Movimento 5 Stelle and Puglia Futura; While Ivan Scalfarotto is on the list with Italia Viva, president of Scalfarotto – + Europe and Green Future. Pierfranco bruni has the support of Fiamma Tricolore; Nicola Cesaria of the Constitution of the Work Environment; Mario Conca by the president of Cittadini Pugliesi-Conca; Andrea D’Agosto to reconquer Italy.
