Latest news on coronavirus. In France, a boom in infections, a mandatory test for those arriving in Italy


The increase in Coronavirus cases in Italy continues: since the start of the health emergency, 298,156 positives have been registered, with an increase of 1,587 units in the last 24 hours. The number of cured is also increasing: 218,315 (+ 635 in the last 24 hours). The deaths registered in Italy since the beginning of the epidemic are 35,707 (+ 15). The numbers are communicated by the Ministry of Health through the bulletin of yesterday, Sunday, September 20, with the update of the data on the Covid-19 emergency. In Italy there are currently 44,098 active cases (+937). Of these, 2,365 are hospitalized with symptoms, while 222 are in intensive care. The Region that has registered the most cases in the last 24 hours is Lombardy (+211), followed by Veneto. The swabs made in the last 24 hours were 83,428 (against 103,233 yesterday), for a total of 10,432,814 since the beginning of the epidemic.

In total there are 298,156 cases of coronavirus in Italy. Below are the data shown in the daily table, with the increase in the last 24 hours Region by Region:

Lombardy: 104,758 (211)

Emilia-Romagna: 34,340 (115)

Piedmont: 34,339 (98)

Veneto: 25,782 (173)

Straight: 14,344 (165)

Tuscany: 13,812 (147)

Liguria: 12,492 (85)

Campania: 10,260 (171)

March: 7,734 (31)

Apulia: 6,994 (50)

Sicily: 5,962 (117)

Trento: 5,734 (45)

Friuli Venezia Giulia: 4,377 (32)

Abruzzo: 4,137 (0)

Bolzano: 3,301 (20)

Sardinia: 3,239 (72)

Umbria: 2,216 (24)

Calabria: 1,832 (22)

Aosta Valley: 1,279 (3)

Basilicata: 637 (6)

Molise: 587 (1)
