Michele Emiliano target for allegedly violating electoral silence. Following the complaint of Marco Bentivogli, Action activist, the opponent arrives, Raffaele Fitto. “We are consoled – writes the center-right candidate for the presidency of the Puglia region on Facebook – only the awareness of being in the final stages of a sham and a false electoral campaign”. And again: “Emiliano, the only presidential candidate who has broken the electoral silence by sending propaganda statements to journalists with a lot of video attached, defends himself by accusing me but saying the wrong thing. And like each one of our statements, unlike his, we speak with facts. We enclose the paid ads of which they enclose screenshots from the Facebook Ads Library showing they were manually interrupted at midnight on Friday September 18, as evidenced by the attached screenshots from our internal Business Manager that represents the official control panel of the digital advertising activity on Facebook by Raffaele Fitto “.
Not only that, because Fitto also shows the screenshots sent by the governor’s secretary dem. Here – this is the accusation – “it is clear that the ads are all in an ‘inactive’ state and that Emiliano’s are all in an active state. Not only that, confirming our correction there is that we do not have, although we can, on the contrary, he used social networks to continue advertising. “