High School Year 2020/21 – Choosing a date behind a PC screen is proving difficult for many applicants. Especially because of the different organization with which this operation is managed in each School Office, with different and sometimes unclear procedures. Categorical imperative: conclude before September 24.
GPS: wrong scores
The effort to have all substitute teachers in the chair before September 24 has led many School Offices not to initiate the process of reviewing the scores published in the first publication of the GPS, leaving the school secretariats the burden of a more accurate assessment.
Inevitably, the allocation of surrogates can be distorted. If you consider, for example. that in the provinces that have published the corrections there have been applicants who have seen their score change from 69 to 43 points or from 25.5 to 40.5, the right to be appointed substitute may change.
From Naples to Padua to Brescia: alternate candidates ask for explanations
Numerous reports come from various provinces. We publish them as received, with the hope and request that they also receive official explanations from school offices or territorial unions, the only ones in many cases to be able to speak to the school office.
In fact, it could happen that teachers do not have a clear understanding of the allocation mechanism, which must be made explicit, making the appointment operations as transparent as possible.
Naples “On Saturday, September 19, 2020, USP Napoli published the results of the chair assignments through the new system. I and many other colleagues unfortunately do not seem to be on the list even though we were entitled to score. The chairs have been awarded to people in much lower positions who will begin work on Wednesday. On Saturday morning, I immediately sent a correction email to the PSU. We have not received any response yet and the reasons for what happened are not entirely clear. “
Padua “The Padua Office has sent candidates in a useful position, at the same time, as many assignment proposals as the rankings in which they are registered.
However, since each candidate could only choose one chair, this system has had the effect of reserving the candidate who has enough points, as well as the chair that will actually choose those for whom it will not accept the allocation proposal.
These chairs cannot be assigned to the rest of the candidates interested in them who will participate in the first assignment phase even if they have enough points, but will be assigned in a second phase to the candidates with the lowest scores, in fact denying have more points. tall.
In this way, many teachers found themselves shot in schools very far from their hometown, and from their destination school from previous school years, despite the continuity of teaching.
Mostly as a mocking joke: if perhaps a place in the school from your previous assignment becomes free, you cannot take it because it would mean giving up the assignment made and thus being automatically excluded from subsequent calls.
At present it is not yet clear whether these subsequent calls will also be carried out taking into account those already assigned to the chairs or will be cut when involving other candidates in the second rounds. What’s the score? See the desired chair vanish and someone in the ranking with lower scores be assigned despite having the requirements and teaching in the different institutions upset by the much desired continuity of teaching “
Brescia “The calendar of calls and related appointments, despite not having corrected the scores and checking the wrong titles, has undergone three corrections. Although previously the day of appointment to a common position coincided with the respective possibility of appointment to a support position from a cross-sectional list, thus leaving the candidate the possibility of choosing the position most appropriate to their needs, with the last correction postponed by one day the appointment to a support position from a cross list, and another day the appointment to a common position, which implies that all precarious teachers were considered in the first instance as support teachers and only later as teachers in the subject . This would imply that a teacher will proceed to the safe and accurate choice of the support position to the detriment of the uncertainty of the position on the subject, thus not leaving the possibility of trying to occupy the common position for which he has studied.
In addition, the schedules available to the de facto staff, including the hourly segments of 16 – 17h – 12h – 9h – 8h etc.tetc, who could have gone to annual appointments as happened in previous years and as planned until September 11 2020, verifiable by staff posted on the same FSO site of Brescia, they became a COVID staff with a variable fixed term depending on a possible new confinement, with which the dismissal would have occurred. They would be solely and exclusively those of the competition classes of table B known as ITP “
Speakers on September 24
Minister Azzolina promised it, but we must also look and intervene at the peripheral level.