Tuscany 48.2% Apulia 43.7 Campania 42.7 Brands 47.5 Liguria 44 Veneto 51


Elections, 12.25% participation at 12. In Tuscany 14.67%, Campania at 11.32

Regional elections 2020 me referendum, a Sunday to vote. Participation at 11:00 pm in the constitutional referendum is close to 40% (39.38). Below are the participation data at 11:00 p.m. in the regional elections, which, in general, reached 41.4%: Liguria 44.04% – Veneto 51.04% – Tuscany 48.29% – Puglia 43.74% – Campania 42.78%Market 47.56% – Aosta Valley 56.37%.

“The prefectures have informed us of the regular establishment of all seats in Italy.” Thus – interviewed in Rainews 24 – the prefect Caterina D’Amato, central director of the electoral services of the Ministry of the Interior. “Certainly there have been – she added – some critical issues that have been overcome thanks to the commendable work of the mayors and municipal offices that are in charge of organizing the squares.”

Elections, Italy returns to the vote: a challenge to Covid and the risk of abstention

The Minister of Regional Affairs and Autonomies, Francesco Boccia, voted at 10 in Bisceglie, Puglia, for the position installed in the Sergio Cosmai primary school. Skip the line for the Chancellor Luigi di maio, which was not preceded by any elector at seat 18 of via Sandro Pertini in Pomigliano d’Arco (Naples). After the vote, the minister paused in front of the “Sulmona” school with the candidate for mayor of Pomigliano d’Arco, Gianluca Del Mastro, supported by Pd, M5s, and seven civic lists, to which he made his own ” in good luck. ” Roberto Fico, president of the Chamber, voted for the regional elections and for the referendum on the reduction of parliamentarians. Fico went to the voting station installed in the school of the electoral headquarters in the Posillipo district of Naples.

Silvio Berlusconi voted this morning. The Forza Italia leader had requested to vote from home in accordance with the procedure for Covid patients. The operators then collected their vote at home.
The President of Veneto Luca zaia, candidate for his third term as governor, went with his wife at 9:30 am to the electoral college set up in the schools of San Vendemiano (Treviso), opposite the City Hall.
“Good vote to everyone and everyone!” Nicola Zingaretti voted this morning at the electoral college of the Giuseppe Gioacchino Bellì school in via Antonio Mordini, in the Prati district of Rome. The Democratic Party secretary posted the photo on Facebook with best wishes to voters.


There was sweat, in some cases overnight, in the municipal offices to plug the holes caused by the massive flight of election officials and designated tellers, but by 7 a.m. the sections with the polls were all open regularly. certified by the Ministry of the Interior. At 11 pm there was a participation of around 40% for the Constitutional Referendum and for Regionals and 50% for Municipalities. Anti-Covid recipes – angels, masks, separate paths, disinfected pencils – have not created any particular inconvenience, beyond some episodes of positivity from the Coronavirus that have forced electoral operations to be temporarily suspended.

For the Referendum, 46,415,806 voters are called to the polls, in a total of 61,622 sections. For the Senate Supplements, there are 427,824 for Sardinia and 326,475 for Veneto. Regional elections (in Valle d’Aosta, Veneto, Liguria, Tuscany, Marche, Campania, Puglia) involve 18,471,692 voters and a total of 22,061 sections. The Administrations, on the other hand, are developed in 957 municipalities for a total of 5,703,817 voters. The polls close today at 11. Tomorrow the opening period is from 7 am to 3 pm. At the close of the polls, the supplementary ballots, the Referendum and the Regionals will follow.

The administrative scrutiny will begin at 9 on Tuesday. The appeals, also through social networks, launched by the municipalities in the end worked. Substitutes have been found and sections have been established. Certainly there were some critical issues – admitted the prefect Caterina D’Amato, central director of the electoral services of the Ministry of the Interior – but they have been overcome thanks to the commendable work of the mayors and municipal offices that are in charge of organizing the squares. “.

At 7 am, the prefectures reported to the Viminale “the regular establishment of all seats throughout Italy.” However, not without effort. The Municipality of Rome was forced to replace 760 presidents of the approximately 2,600 seats. «A large number covered in record time. We also had to call 250 agents of the Local Police of Rome Capital – said Mayor Virginia Raggi – many of them during the night ». In Naples, surrogacy involved 250 out of 860 presidents. In Turin, 506 of the 919 presidents retired and the tellers 1,487 of the 2,800.

“The one with the offices – said Mayor Chiara Appendino – was a huge job, which lasted until late at night.” Milan had to replace 178 presidents and 1,620 tellers. “I believe – explained Mayor Giuseppe Sala – that it is the effect of fear related to Covid. Fortunately, Milan replied: I am glad that there was also a response from municipal employees ». A plan was activated to avoid concentrations outside the buildings of the polling stations, also with the help of volunteers from Civil Protection to give priority to the elderly and frail. In Venice, late in the morning, there were still lines of about ten minutes, also because voters have to fill out four different forms: for the Regionals, for the Municipalities, for the Municipality and for the Referendum. Also in Veneto, in Padua and its province, 1,300 election officials underwent swabs: 2 positive for coronavirus. In Genoa, an electoral college was closed because the president was ill overnight with a high fever and symptoms that could suggest Covid (the swab subsequently tested negative).

It was initially opened by a substitute, but then closed as a precaution and reopened late in the morning after the cleaning of the premises and the replacement of all the voting station staff. Similar case in Sassari for a scrutineer who was infected: staff were replaced and the seat moved to another room in the building. Electoral operations in a polling station were suspended for a few hours in Calendasco (Piacenza) due to the presence of a positive operator in Covid. All section personnel replaced. President and secretary also changed in Procida (Naples), but the Coronavirus in this case has nothing to do with it: it happened that after the closing of the preparation for the vote, ten sealed ballots were found in a drawer of the voting table. In San Remo the police intervened for a voter who did not want to sanitize his hands before the vote. The man, who was nevertheless wearing the mask, at the request of the staff to use the alcoholic solution, refused for reasons that are not yet clear, which caused him a fever. Finally the agents managed to calm him down and convince him to follow the health protocol.

In Matera, two people reported by the police for having photographed the ballot they had just voted with their mobile phone. In 1,820 quarantined positions they took advantage of the vote at home. Among them also Silvio Berlusconi in Arcore.

While Paolina Spalazzi, a 92-year-old 100% disabled woman, did not want to give up going to the Ancona electoral college. She was taken there by the Yellow Cross accompanied by her son, with a mask and a flashlight because the old woman also has vision problems. Her exit from the voting booth was greeted with applause. But the woman was surpassed by Margherita Rusciano, who went to vote at 104 in San Giorgio a Cremano (Naples), where her nephew is in the running to be mayor again.

Last update: September 21 at 08:29

