TURIN. Referendum: first day of voting in Covid schedule between masks, disinfectants, special seats, arrows to indicate the routes and some queues. Despite initial apprehensions -or perhaps precisely for them, considering that they maximized the attention to organizational and security measures- the first step was taken without particular problems: yesterday morning the seats were filled, the defections of presidents and seat scrutineers were recovered with force, at that moment the electoral machine began to turn. The voting body in Turin is 690,213 people. Low turnout in Turin in the morning: 10.1% at noon. In the afternoon it took off: at 7:00 p.m. it had reached 28.1%. Very low figures: it is enough to think that 44.3% had voted in the regional elections last year and 58.2% in the 2018 policies. Slightly better in Turin (30.8%) and Piedmont (30.7%). Higher numbers where the mayor is also elected, as in Venaria (41%) and Moncalieri (40.4), to limit ourselves to a few examples.
Special seats
Three special flying seats installed in hospitals in Turin, Molinahead and María Vittoria, to collect the vote of hospitalized patients through 3 presidents and 6 scrutineers and above all to guarantee the exercise of the right to express themselves to those who are in isolation or quarantine by Covid. Yesterday, 104 voters had requested to vote in the aforementioned hospitals, 6 of which affected Covid, while 25 Turinians under quarantine or fiduciary isolation who presented questions.da (52 in the province of Turin). Actually, the data provided by the Turin City Council is intended to get up, considering that the Prefecture, in agreement with the Municipality, the Regional Crisis Unit and the Dirmei, Department of Emergencies-Infectious Diseases of the city ASL, has decided to also accept the requests received after the deadline of September 15 . Yesterday Antonio Rinaudo, head of the legal and administrative area of the Crisis Unit, calcavto about seventy applications: «There is no deadline: the right to vote is constitutionalmind guaranteed. The situation is under control and at the moment there are no criticalities. Good performance.
The procedure
reyesterday morning the working group began to move through the territory, duly protected with mascheirna, overalls, glasses, gloves and shoes. “The procedure foresees that the presidents of the polling stations and the cashiers, trained on the days with special courses, carry out the dressing on the landing of the interested party. The card is then placed in a plastic bag, ”explains Rinaudo. Undressing is safe too – after use, the protective devices are left in a sealed bag outside the door, it’s up to those who voted to dispose of them along with unsorted waste. Paradoxically, given the difficultiesà communicated in recent days by National Civil Protection, it was Dirmei’s turn, led by Carlo Picco, to anticipate the protections that allowed personnel to operate safely. For the start-up of the mobile chairs, it was also necessary to go to the Civil Protection volunteers and the Usca staff, the special care continuity units that carry out home activities for Covid patients: they circulate with the means made available by ASL, supplemented by those ofa Civil protection. Today we start again, until 3pm. –