Weather, goodbye summer, today’s storms are coming. Yellow alert in nine regions


Estate goodbye, fall is finally here. And it comes with a bang. The weather forecast for today, Monday, September 21 and for the following days. For tomorrow, Monday, September 21, the Department of Civil Protection issued a warning of adverse weather conditions in agreement with several regions. It will be a yellow alert in the Upper Piave basin, in Veneto, in some sectors of Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany and throughout the territory of Marche, Umbria, Lazio, Abruzzo and Molise.

Weather, thunderstorms arrive on Monday: then an autumn cyclone and temperatures drop

According to information from the Department, an area of ​​depression tends to approach the north-central regions of Italy, causing a phase of moderate bad weather, with storms, especially in the central regions and Emilia-Romagna. Civil Protection announces that meteorological phenomena, which impact different areas of the country, could determine “hydrogeological and hydraulic criticalities.”

Weather, summer at the end of the line: rains and storms since Monday in most of Italy, then a new cyclone arrives

Today afternoon, predominantly storm-like rains are expected over Tuscany, spreading to Emilia-Romagna and Marche. From early morning on September 21, precipitation with a predominant storm character is expected in Lazio and Umbria. The phenomena will be accompanied by heavy showers, frequent electrical activity, local hailstorms and strong gusts of wind.

Between Friday 25 and Saturday 26 of the new week, the warm season will definitely go away, leaving room for storms, gusts of wind and even the first snowfalls on the peaks, but also at slightly lower altitudes, starting at 1900 meters onwards.

Last update: September 21 at 02:00 © REPRODUCTION RESERVED
