In Lombardy 211 new cases, 5 deaths +2 in intensive care, Bergamo +20 positive –


In Lombardy 211 new cases, 5 deaths +2 in intensive care, Bergamo +20 positive
  • Sunday 20 September 2020

Intensive care admissions are growing (+2.38 in total), while those of other departments are declining (-7, 264). Among the provinces, Milan is always the most affected with 81 cases, of which 46 in Milan. city, followed by Brescia (30), Monza and Brianza (21) and Bergamo (20).

“We remind you that the increase in positive cases, in Lombardy as in other regions, must always be related to the number of swabs performed. Without ever forgetting that, if we think in terms of absolute comparisons, the number of inhabitants of Lombardy is equal to 1/6 of the national population ”, explains the Lombardy Region.

Sunday data

Swabs made: 14,926, total total: 1,943,336
New positive cases: 211 (of which 25 ‘weak positive’ and 10 after serological tests)
Total cured / discharged: 78,829 (+134), of which 1,464 discharged and 77,365 recovered
In intensive care: 38 (+2)
Patients not in intensive care: 264 (-7)
Deaths, grand total: 16,922 (+5)

New cases by province:

Milan: 81, of which 46 in the city of Milan;
Bergamo: 20;

Brescia: 30;
Like: 9;
Cremone: 0;
Lecco: 5;
Lodi: 1;
Mantua: 5;
Monza and Brianza: 21;
Pavia: 17;
Sondrio: 4;
Varese: 16


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