Weather alert Emilia Romagna, thunderstorms are coming. Forecast


Bologna, 20 September 2020 – The walks along the coast, the picnics in the countryside, the spas as crowded as in August: the long September summer we have enjoyed so far seems really destined to welcome us to the edge ofautumn equinox. In fact, since tonight forecast herald a sudden deterioration across the region – a disturbance that will sweep away heat and high pressure, to make way for showers, thunderstorms and gray sky.

For this reason, experts from Harp (Prevention, Energy and Environment Agency), in accordance with the Regional civil protection, have issued a ‘yellow’ alert bulletin (ordinary criticality) for storms and landslides and minor waterway floods, valid from noon today until midnight on Tuesday, September 22.

“An extensive area of ​​depression affects our entire region – read Arpae’s warning – determining the conditions of altered weather. During the evening of Sunday September 20 and until the early hours of Monday 21, it is expected that an intense storm core will form in the eastern sector of the region. In the rest of the territory, for the day of Sunday 20 scattered rains are expected that, during the day of Monday 21, may severe thunderstorms along the reliefs of the Apennines “.

The ‘yellow’ warning for thunderstorms will affect, in particular, i Romagna washbasins, the plain and the coast of Romagna (provinces of Ravenna, Forlì-Cesena and Rimini); he Emilian basins, the eastern plain of Emilia and the coast of Ferrara (provinces of Bologna, Ravenna and Ferrara); he central emilian basins (Provinces of Modena, Reggio Emilia and Parma) and those westerners (provinces of Parma and Piacenza). that for hydrogeological criticality (landslides and minor watercourse floods) is confined exclusively to the Romagna basins and the Eastern Emilian basins, between the provinces of Bologna, Ravenna, Forlì-Cesena me Rimini.

Looking at the trend for the rest of the week, it now seems certain that it will be necessary to put the umbrella and beach towel in the attic and have the umbrella close at hand. If on the afternoon of Tuesday 22 the phenomena gradually wear off, on Wednesday 23 they are still waiting scattered rain, with possible isolated showers. The variability will prevail between Thursday 24 and Friday 25, with the possibility of precipitation especially in the Apennines. Most significant deterioration since Saturday 26, due to the entry of a new disturbance that will lead widespread rains over the territory and a marked thermal decline.

The weather forecast for the next few days
