We certainly cannot speak of fraud. More prosaically, however, one can speak of cheating. These are the elections in which we are called to vote between today, Sunday, September 20, and tomorrow. The regional and constitutional referendum. A vote that could create many headaches for the government of Pd and M5, especially in the case (unlikely) of a No victory in the referendum and (probable) collapse of Giallorossi in the regional teams. And the tension between the majority forces is palpable. And here the deceptions flourish. As served by Luigi di maio me Danilo Toninelli to their voters: in 2016 they said plague and horns about the Renzian-style court of parliamentarians, except today to loudly support the scissors. Different laws? Until a certain point. It is a matter of convenience, of a desperate attempt to survive.
But not only. Then there is a second trick and macroscopic. Who is then the one who defends Marco Travaglio, first sponsor of Giuseppe Conte, about him Daily occurrence. The director in fact invoked the divided vote in the balanced regions, namely Tuscany, Puglia and Marche. In short, Travaglio suggests to the grillini di vote his list and candidate Pd, as allowed by electoral law, to avoid a knockout that could cost Conte’s Palazzo Chigi. At the border, Alessandro Sallusti comments acute on Il Giornale: “Which is a bit as if the Milan manager beat Inter Milan in the derby between Milan and Inter to prevent Juventus from gaining a league advantage.”
As said: no cheating, just cheating. A voter fraud in which the Democratic Party also participates. And how. After three votes against the parliamentary cut, here they are in favor, as imposed by the M5s for government reasons (or government blackmail, you choose the better definition). They take sides in favor and among other things they can’t even do it with conviction, with many loose voices and obvious shame, more sensational than vagrant. In short, a substantial trap for democracy and voters. Indications of a fraudulent, opportunistic vote, whose sole objective is to preserve the chair.