young fight for life


Stabbed in the abdomen, he fights for his life after undergoing a delicate surgical procedure at the “Maurizio Bufalini” hospital in Cesena. Victim of the assassination attempt is a 25-year-old young man from Forlì, of Maghreb origin, but a resident of Montescudo. The investigations of the Carabinieri de Coriano and the Nucleo Operativo and Radiomobile de Riccione led to the arrest of the two alleged perpetrators for attempted murder: they are father and son, aged 45 and 21 respectively, of Apulian origin and with a drug history. . And the debts incurred by the victim and linked to the purchase of drugs would be at the origin of the violent attack.

The episode took place on Saturday afternoon in Coriano, in Corso Garibaldi, near the “Degli Orfani” church. It was around 9 p.m. when the father and son approached the 25-year-old and, in a car, tried to run him over. Failed in their attempt, they blocked him in the Plaza de Coriano, starting a violent fight: faced with the circumstance, they extracted a large kitchen knife, launching the blow. The attackers fled, while an urgent request for intervention reached 112.

The wounded man, after undergoing the first treatments by the 118 employees at the site, was rushed to the “Maurizio Bufalini” hospital in Cesena, where he underwent delicate surgery. Now he is fighting for his life and the doctors have reserved the prognosis. Coordinated by the Deputy Prosecutor Davide Ercolani, the men with the gun collected important investigative elements when they also heard some testimonies. Father and son were found in their home. They still had traces of blood attributable to the attack. The two are in prison accused of attempted murder and illegal possession of weapons and objects intended to commit crimes.

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