Regionali Campania, the future is calling but the door is doubly closed


On the eve of the vote, the matter could be summarized as follows: ».Campania, as immobile ‘. Politics in the South has abdicated its role for at least three decades. Which Campania will be the one for the next 5 years? And what will the near future be like with Recovery Fund? What are the projects? Health, education, territorial protection, training, innovation, work, inclusion, rights, culture: who will be chosen to govern the processes of change will be up to the task of the challenge?

Looking left and right there is little to be optimistic about. On the ‘stage’ they were always the same characters, some of them looking for new authors. Mostly the same faces, just a little older. The liturgies are always the same, as indeed the members of the tour company. Even the slogans seem tired, empty and untrue.

It was a bad election campaign confusedquarrelsome and full of poisons. Perhaps only in the small municipalities in the interior of Naples such as Giugliano, Pomigliano, Caivano, strengthened by the political novelty of re-proposing the unprecedented Pd-M5S alliance, has a more participation of people, more passion and a genuine desire for change.

Hope is an important word. In the end, without disturbing Tomasi di Lampedusa, in Campania everything has remained the same and no apparent change is being sought. There is Vincenzo De Luca, the favorite, candidate for Pd and backed by 14 lists. Former Sheriff of Salerno it does not go into the subtle: more than a coalition, it looks like a great, enormous Noah’s Ark. They all came on board: displaced, moving, whitewashed, Freemasons, ex-fascists, forgetful, jumping quail, investigated, sent to trial.

And if the Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission issues a list of unpresentable, no one is surprised if 5 are permanent in De Luca’s coalition and 4 in the ranks of the lists of Stefano caldoro, the center-right candidate and former governor. Scandal? Discussion? Controversy? Debate? Nothing at all. In fact, there are those who blur: “Initiatives to win some newspaper headlines. They are things out of nowhere. Eduardo De Filippo he was terrified of things out of nowhere. By dint of saying is that and nothing, you become what is nothing.

Difficult to navigate. A common sense criterion might be: vote for everyone except the non-presentable candidates. Here: in addition to appearance, a faint sign of legality. Too ambitious. No candidate for the presidency had the courage to say so. On the chessboard we said that there is also Caldoro, the invisible, who, like De Luca, seems an insecure use. See him arm in arm with Matteo salvini and with Giorgia Meloni on the Neapolitan seafront it leaves some impression.

Those who follow the policy remember Caldoro, Minister of Implementation of the government program Silvio Berlusconi very close to Nicola Cosentino, Luigi Cesaro, Mario Ladolfi and Italo Bocchino. In this sense, Caldoro takes a leap in popularity. What not to believe. Thanks to the hard covers for its size and image. They seem to have some success, the villains whisper that they are more interesting than the original in the flesh.

Then there is Valeria Ciarambino, outgoing councilor of the 5 Star Movement, compatriot and deputy of Luigi Di Maio who, like 5 years ago, returned to the field imposing his candidacy as president and leader. This is not new. Same story 2015. Many expected more than 5 Stars, starting with a different and more courageous candidacy. This was unfortunately not the case. In practice, they have been weakened to satisfy ambitions, personalities, and keep internal currents in balance.

In the end few ideas, misreading of the complexity of the problems, propaganda accelerator and motto: in practice, the vacuum. A little bit to test the blow or offer an alternative credible to the citizens of Campania. And to think that it was precisely in Campania where a great national political laboratory could be built and tested to write a new history. This was not the case. They lacked courage, they lacked politics, they lacked the determination to imagine a new world.

In the window a large part of Campania society: where are the professionals, entrepreneurs, intellectuals, volunteers? There is the distinctive feeling of one Lost bet. Of course, any pact is legitimate just to keep Salvini and Meloni’s far right away. It seems that many tacitly accepted the repainting of the old De Luca system case.

The latter could dare more. Try to fly high, disassociate yourself from the blackmail of the notables, reinvent yourself. Instead, he remained imprisoned in his fried fish logic. In short, it remains a faded photograph of what could have been and what was not. It is a system in plaster that reproduces itself with its power relations, its position for rent, its mechanisms. Too bad, the future knocks on the door and we keep it with a double lock.

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