“I have no doubts: we will. And we will do it thanks to a combination of safe and effective vaccines and appropriate health policies.” Thus, the immunologist Anthony Fauci, head of the US working group against Covid-19 in an interview with Repubblica in which he points out that the time it will take “depends on a series of factors. First, the vaccine and its efficacy” . : we will have it quickly and it will be distributed in the course of 2021. So: if people continue to behave properly and get vaccinated, within a year we will start to be out of it. Maybe not in the whole world: this won’t happen for four years. “
For Christmas 2021? “I hope so. There is no guarantee. But there are many vaccines that are being tested around the world. Eventually, one that is safe and effective will be there. So, yes: I hope that by Christmas 2021 we can return to some form of normalcy. “. “.
“I don’t think” that we are completely covered by the virus once we get vaccinated: “There are many vaccines that protect 95-97%, such as measles, which is one of the most effective. But I doubt that we will ever develop a vaccine so effective. against Covid-19. I hope so, but I would be satisfied if we had a vaccine that is 70-75% more or less effective. It will not protect everyone, but it will protect most. Therefore, the virus will not have the opportunity to spread. ” Things you can do while you wait are: “Wear masks, everyone. Keep a safe distance of 180 cm or more. Avoid crowds of any kind. Try to do things outside. And wash your hands as often as possible. . “.