Coronavirus, two missionaries from the Biagio Conte center hospitalized


Two missionaries from the Mission Hope and Charity of Biagio Conte, declared by the Sicilian governor, Nello Musumeci, a red zone after the outbreak that broke out inside the structure in via Decollati, were hospitalized.

“It is brother Giovanni with pneumonia and another brother is also in the hospital and we do not know what his general conditions are,” say the volunteers who thank “those who are doing something at this time like the Municipality, the Region, the forces of Order, the Provincial Health Authority and Doctors Without Borders. We understand that it is necessary for all possible forces to come together to find solutions that help the Mission and the entire city. “

“The Mission should not be understood as a private entity or a private property or an NGO, but as a Mission at the service of Hope – say missionaries and volunteers -. The Mission represents above all the generous heart of the city towards the many emergencies of material poverty and spiritualities of this society “. The very few missionaries and volunteers are now at the end of their forces and are still busy, but they ask “to continue helping the Mission with all possible help, even with a good word.” “Whoever wants to do it, pray to God to help everyone. With God’s help and with the help of those who do good, we can get through this moment.

Today Mayor Leoluca Orlando also went to the Mission headquarters in via Tiro a Segno. “I came to greet those who live within the Esperanza y Caridad Mission, evidently staying outside and at a distance – said the mayor – inviting them to follow the prescriptions of the health authority, for the good of them and of all those who are in contact with them. Yesterday I sent a formal note to the President of the Council of Ministers and the President of the Region, so that they adopt the measures within their competence. Meanwhile, the municipal administration is guaranteeing through Caritas the supply of food and also clothing and medicine and everything else that can be used for life within the four structures of the Mission, which house around 800 people. “

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Orlando continued: “The cultural mediators of the Municipality are present to try to mediate and convince people so that those who test positive can be isolated in the special covid hotel in Palermo. We must all be very careful and fully respect the right to life for all and the right to health for those inside and outside of this structure. ”
