Covid-19 continues to enter the workplace, putting companies in trouble, but even earlier, employees and their families. On another page we say of the growing apprehension in the Arsenale by a worker (blocked at the entrance on September 2 due to fever) and then he tested positive; there, the union Flp Difesa requests the performance of the serological test on all employees, on a voluntary basis. Meanwhile, the positives, after the infiltration of the virus in the port and in Fincantieri in early September, are growing in terms of shipyards. Sixteen positives from Ferretti, between direct and related workers; this according to union sources that have taken the data of the companies; But the fear is that there may be more, where there would be several quarantined workers under ASL surveillance, waiting for a swab. The credited voices also refer to 4 positives at the Enel plant, with various (unspecified) colleagues in …
Covid-19 continues to enter the workplace, putting companies in trouble, but even earlier, employees and their families. On another page we say of the growing apprehension in the Arsenale by a worker (blocked at the entrance on September 2 due to fever) and then he tested positive; there, the union Flp Difesa requests the performance of the serological test on all employees, on a voluntary basis. Meanwhile, the positives, after the infiltration of the virus in the port and in Fincantieri in early September, are growing in terms of shipyards. Sixteen positives from Ferretti, between direct and related workers; this according to union sources that have taken the data of the companies; But the fear is that there could be more, where there would be several quarantined workers under ASL surveillance, waiting for a swab. The credited voices also refer to 4 positives at the Enel plant, with several (unspecified) colleagues in prudential quarantine. The list then gets longer in front of the supermarket: one positive and three quarantined in Esselunga, one positive (relative of a Don Bosco player) and two colleagues (positive family contacts) at Coop in via Saffi, one employee Conad in Quarantine due to contact with a positive non-exercise. In all the specific work areas of the positives (but in the case of Coop also of the positive suspicions, without order of the ASL) the sanitizations have been carried out. And the speakers invite users to wear masks, spacing, hand sanitizing, indoors and outdoors.
Meanwhile, yesterday the ASL reported 607 swabs; 115 tested positive, 36 of which led to the identification of 36 newly infected (6 percent). Among these, 7 are South American surnames, 4 Arab-Asian. Therefore, of the new positives, 11 are foreigners (30 percent); the others are all Italians. An evolving scenario in which the portion of infected Italians is expanding, a sign that the South American group has been shielded.
Regarding the number of hospitalizations, the official bulletins of the Region mark the achievement of 84: one more hospitalized than the previous day. There are seven people in intensive care, including new admissions and discharges with dispatch to other departments. In this regard, before television revelations about seven transfers to the San Martino Resuscitation from the homologous department of Sarzana, with attached interpretations in order to avoid numbers of possible confinement in La Spezia, sources deny. qualified health workers. There have been transfers in the last few days; but there were two. And they were caused by the need to relieve the department that was in trouble due to lack of human resources while waiting for the replacements scheduled for next week. In fact, based on previous news dating back to the beginning of the month, there had already been two transfers from the Sarzana Reanimation to the San Martino one. But what happened was that Alisa’s indication was to try to keep Sarzana’s room “clean” for longer, at the first signs of the flashback of the virus.
On the other hand, what is true are the recurring discrepancies in the newsletters issued by the Region on deaths where the number of deaths is lower than the actual number. Question of information flows on the La Spezia-Genoa axis. Flows that, for example, at 5.30 p.m. on Friday had led the President of the Region Giovanni Toti to say live on Facebook that Covid had no longer made victims, with the induced effect of consolation. At that time, however, two other elders had passed away from the virus that had brought the last push to their weakened bodies. The same old man, who died in the Sarzana hospital, appeared yesterday in the official bulletin. However, when it was released to the press, the day’s update was still missing, where, unfortunately, we had news of two deaths: an 83-year-old woman and a 92-year-old woman, both from La Spezia. The first was the wife of one of the first elders who died of Covid on September 2. Both, before being hospitalized in Sarzana, were assisted by a caregiver of Dominican origin. The couple’s son, in addition to requesting confidentiality about the names (we remind you that we publish the names of the deceased only with the authorization of the relatives in terms of privacy), does not respond to what was proposed as a logical hypothesis: that the virus has entered. parents’ home for caregiver effect. Pain prevails over analysis.
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